Topic: CM333

Pay close attention to the configuration details, and limitations provided in this topic. The Mitsubishi CPU types each have specific communication nuances that must be considered.

This help file includes setup information for the Mitsubishi Melsec FX PLCs. It includes two drivers: Mitsubishi FX-1N(C)/2N(C)/3U(C) (CPU) and Mitsubishi FX Series CPU.

The Mitsubishi Melsec FX series PLC's all have a one serial communications port to which the C-more connects. The serial communications parameters are fixed for this port, therefore there is no setup in the PLC. The parameters in the C-more Panel Manager are also fixed with the exception of the Timeout and Poll Time.

The C-more panel is the master when communicating with a Mitsubishi PLC.

Note: Remember to power cycle the PLC after making changes to the communication port settings.

C-more Panel Manager Settings

To access the Panel Manager from the C-more Programming Software, from the Main Menu select Setup. The drop down menu shown below opens.

From the Setup drop down menu, select the Panel Manager selection. The Panel Manager window opens by default displaying Panel Settings. From this window, click on the DEV001 selection on the tree to the left of the window as shown below.

When the DEV001 Icon is selected, the right portion of the window will change to display the Device Setup screen for DEV001. From the PLC Protocol field, click on the down arrow and select Mitsubishi FX Series CPU or Mitsubishi FX-1N(C)/2N(C)/3U(C) (CPU).

Mitsubishi FX Series CPU

Mitsubishi FX-1N(C)/2N(C)/3U(C) (CPU)

Anytime you select a different PLC Protocol than the one already displayed, the Warning Message shown below will pop up. Click Yes to accept and the Fields for the selected Protocol will be displayed as shown on the applicable figure above.

Data Register - 16 Bit Word

Counter - 16 Bit Word

Counter - Done Bit

Relay - Bit

System - Bit

Timer - Bit

Timer - 16 Bit Word

Input - Bit (Octal Addressing)

Output - Bit (Octal Addressing)

MITSUBISHI FX PLCs handles a broad range of applications in the low I/O count part of the automation spectrum. The FX0S can be used simply
to gain major savings in panel space and labor costs
when wiring panels, as opposed to hard-wired relay panels. It also offers you the flexibility of changing your control specification just by reprogramming,
not rewiring. The FX0S is also an ideal controller for users who are familiar with the advantages of a PLC, but whose application requires less than 30 I/O.
Some of the benefits the MITSUBISHI FX can offer you • Minimal learning curve before your application’s up and running when you use our Windows based
GPP-WIN programming software. The powerful Step Ladder (STL) programming method (originated by Mitsubishi) makes ladder logic programming even
easier by isolating your program into discrete operations in a sequence. • The heart of a self-contained sequence control system with or without our
optional user interfaces for a window on your machine’s operation

Mitsubishi fx plc software download. Most people looking for Mitsubishi fx plc software downloaded: GX Developer-FX. Sellwood NEW version 4.0 is a powerful PC based HMI / SCADA application for the Mitsubishi FX PLC. For the Mitsubishi FX PLC.