Suite Life Of Zack And Cody Conga Line Game
Help Zack and Cody hang posters in each of the hotel picture frames - without getting caught! Watch The Suite Life of Zack and Cody online at Watch full episodes, video clips and more. 'The Suite Life Goes Hollywood' is a two-part episode spanning episodes 36 and 37 of the second season of The Suite Life of Zack & Cody. A director comes up with an idea for a television show based off Zack and Cody's life at the Tipton, and they are invited (along with Carey, Maddie, London, and Mr. Moseby) to Hollywood to see it in production.
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Top row: Zack, Cody.
Middle row: Arwin, Esteban.
Bottom row: Carey, London, Maddie, Moseby.
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody (2005-2008) is a Disney ChannelKid Com about a couple of twins named Zack and Cody Martin (played by twins Dylan and Cole Sprouse, respectively) who live in The Tipton, a hotel in Boston. Their divorced mom Carey is a singer at the hotel who has a secret admirer in a rather dorky janitor named Arwin. Also at the hotel are two teenage girls, London, the moronic heiress to the hotel chain, and Maddie Fitzpatrick, a candy-counter girl who struggles to make sure she completes school as well as juggling very degrading jobs. The hotel is run by Mr. Moseby, who rarely tolerates the twins' antics. It was chronologically the second series in the Disney Channel Live-Action Universe.
After the show ended in 2008, it continued with a sequel called The Suite Life on Deck, putting half of the cast on a luxury liner to attend the onboard Seven Seas High School, with other original characters visiting on occasion. It also added Bailey Pickett (who basically replaced Maddie), a smart girl from a small Kansas farm often made fun of by London (and serves as Cody's Love Interest); Woody, a clumsy but well-meaning (and disgusting) classmate made fun of by everyone and Mrs. Emma Tutweiler, one of the teachers at Seven Seas High made fun of by her own students (and eventually Mr. Moseby's Love Interest). Meanwhile, reruns of the original show have popped up on Disney XD. Both series also participated in massive Crossover events with other shows on the channel: Suite Life of Zack and Cody had That's So Suite Life of Hannah Montana and On Deck had Wizards On Deck with Hannah Montana. I'm in the Band also has a crossover episode with On Deck (unlike the others, this consisted of only a single episode that aired as a part of I'm In The Band only).
After 3 seasons, On Deck ended in 2011 with the twins and the rest of the Seven Seas High students celebrating their graduation. The same year, The Suite Life Movie was released as a Big Damn Moviewith a surprisingly dramatic plot rooted in Science Fiction.
If the original series and the sequel are counted as a single series, it's had the longest original run of any series on the Disney Channel, at six seasons and 162 episodes total (though by sheer episode count and total number of calendar years on the air, it is surpassed only by Phineas and Ferb).
Now has its own Getting Crap Past The Radar page and character page
- Acquainted In Real Life: In one episode, Zack is surprised to discover that his MMORPG partner is Mr. Moseby.
- Answer Cut: This happens many times in the series.
- Asian Airhead: London is the Trope Codifier and Trope Namer of Type 1 ('The Tipton'). She's played by Brenda Song, the standard girl for this role.
- Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: London gets easily distracted by things she desires a few times, such as jewelery.
- Beauty Contest: This occurs in both of Suite Life series. First in the second original episode 'Fearest of Them All' where Cody accidentally entered a beauty pageant while dressed as a girl. Second in the Suite Life On Deck when Zack Marcus and Woody lie about a beauty pageant to meet girls. However, Moseby catches them and forces to throw a real beauty pageant as punishment as well as appointing them as judges if the contest (the latter episode doubles as a Fake-Real Turn).
- Characterization Marches On: London was initially portrayed as a shallow Rich Bitch, before adopting her ditzy qualities. She also got softened to sometimes become more Innocently Insensitive than actually mean-spirited.
- Cool-Kid-and-Loser Friendship: Zack is the popular Kid A Nova and Cody is the unpopular dork. London and Maddie count as well since London is a Rich Bitch (though lovable) and Maddie is more academic oriented and less popular. London and Bailey from On Deck count too, as London is the Lovable Alpha Bitch to Bailey's Adorkable nerd.
- City Mouse: London.
- Crossover: That's So Suite Life of Hannah Montana for the first show.
- Wizards On Deck with Hannah Montana for the second show.
- Also the I'm in the Band episode 'Weasels on Deck'.
- Demoted to Extra: Since On Deck involved a small portion of the original cast being shipped off (pun unintended) to the S.S. Tipton, former main characters Maddie and Carey only appeared as guest stars and most of the recurring characters from the original show were Brother Chucked sans Kurt, Esteban, Arwin, Barbara, and Bob. In Maddie's case, however, this demotion may be justified, given the fact she was about three years older than the twins, which would make her a college student.
- Early Installment Weirdness: The episode 'Grounded On The 23rd Floor' aired as the fifth in the first season but was the first shot. As such it has several differences from the main series. Maddie has brown hair and a completely different uniform, London is far meaner and smarter than she would be in the main series, and the furniture in the Martins' suite is different. The episode also features a character called Tuck who looked as if he would have been a love interest for Maddie, but does not appear afterwards.
- Designated Villain: Mr. Moseby is portrayed antagonistic towards the twins for punishing them whenever they run around treating the hotel like their personal playground, when in reality he is just doing his job to keep the hotel clean and secure from all trouble. It gets even worse when an episode has the twins wish themselves to be superheroes with Moseby as the supervillain.
- Fake Guest Star:
- Although, he wasn't a main cast member, Adrian R'Mante (Esteban) appeared in a good majority of the original series' episodes, and qualifies for this trope.
- Matthew Timmons (Woody), who appeared in most of On Deck, never got anything more than a guest star credit either. The odd case here is that, when Doc Shaw (Marcus) showed up midway in the second season, he automatically got star billing, even though the two play comparable roles. Timmons is, however, credited as main cast member in The Suite Life Movie.
- Flanderization:
- London's stupidity ('Walk, chew, walk, chew... breathe!'). They also seem to have removed her VOLUME CONTROL.
- Zack has also went from being Book Dumb to borderline Too Dumb to Live. While already not themostlikeable character by the spin-off, some of Zack's actions in the movie required to jump start the plot really go above and beyond.
- Cody's dorkiness. They turned him from a dorky kid who attended math camp, took notes on virtually everything the teacher said, and apparently took a full Advanced Placement load in high school, into an impossible genius: Various On Deck episodes reveal that he has written three cookbooks, a novel and an opera, that he has a patent, that he spent years translating ancient hieroglyphs as a personal side project, was building model molecules out of juice boxes in nursery school, and cut his own umbilical cord.
- Maddie's rudeness to London (Perhaps the Sharpay sunk in?)
- Arwin's living-with-his-mom-ness ('Mother! Throw me the house keys!') In one episode, this Flanderization comes to a peak when Zack and Cody get him to make the place his own after his mother moved out. Since then, this aspect of the character was dropped.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In a subversion of the Rich Bitch trope, London gives every indication of being a genuinely good-natured person who simply doesn't understand that you're not supposed to treat people the way she does.
- For all of his frustrations at the twins' antics, Mr. Moseby does show that he cares about them.
- Karma Houdini:
- Muriel often gets away with petty theft. She's also seen numerous times lounging around during work hours. Once when she interrupted a date, London asked her 'Aren't you supposed to be working?' Muriel's response - 'What's your point?'
- A more extreme example would be Mr. Tipton. See Screw the Rules, I Have Money!.
- London in 'Boo You'. She makes fun of Bailey's clothing and shows it off on her webshow. No punishment for international mocking whatsoever.
- 'L' Is for 'Dyslexia': Bob, as revealed in his debut appearance.
- No Respect Guy: Maddie and Mr. Moseby. The latter's lack of respect even carries over to Suite Life on Deck.
- Not a Date: This happens to Zack twice in both series. First in the original series episode 'French 101' where he asks Bob to help him sabotage Cody's date with a hot French girl, although Bob keeps misinterpreting that he and Zack are on a date. Second in On Deck when Zack wins a cupon to a restaurant that expires early (preventing from taking his girlfriend Maya, who is temporarily away for the weekend) and takes Woody instead, telling him that it isn't a date.
- Rich Bitch: When she's not sweet, London is extremely mean and nasty to most people and takes sadistic glee in hurting them. This is most evident in the Spin-Off's episode Mean Chicks when she has something done so it hurts when she insults Bailey after winning a bet. After she wins the bet she insults Bailey a million times despite it hurting her, at the beginning declaring that it's Worth It. (It's done with good intentions though,since Bailey doesn't have 1 million dollars to pay for the bet,London decides to make her pay by insulting her for one million times instead).
- Rich in Dollars, Poor in Sense: Poor London. The later seasons make this a lot worse.
- Screams Like a Little Girl: Moseby, when startled, which he gets quite easily.
- Cody too, and age has not stopped this trope for him.
- Shoddy Shindig: In the episode 'Not So Suite 16', Maddie's birthday party plan was scrapped because her brother needed braces, so the only people who showed up were Zack, her family, and some bingo players. London meanwhile was having a giant, elaborate party at the Tipton, which, though an enjoyable time for all of the guests, was a mess for her due to her parents fighting and the amount of party crashers.
- Spoiled Brat: London Tipton. She used to be Spoiled Sweet, until the absence of her father among other things changed her.
- Twin Telepathy: Subverted at least twice. Once Zack claimed that Cody broke his arm and he sensed it, until Carey points out that he was the one who fell on Cody and broke it. Another time, they believe a dream about finding an Alternate Universe was caused by this, but it is revealed to the audience to have been Real After All when Carey finds a coin from the alternate reality in their jeans pocket.
- Played straight in the movie as it's the first step to the Big Bad's evil plan.
- Two Lines, No Waiting: Zack and Cody in the A-plot; the girls in the B-plot.
- [Verb] This!: Used twice in both Suite Life series. First, Zack says 'Schnitzel this' to mock Ilsa's brutal team member. Later, Bailey uses it after being embarrassed by London on her webshow ('Understand This!'), followed by smashing the camera.
- Visit by Divorced Dad: Kurt visited the twins a few times by himself in the first show and a couple of times with his ex-wife on the second.
- Abhorrent Admirer: The twins have, on separate occasions, and despite their best efforts, attracted the affections of Agnes.
- Absentee Actor: London was missing from 2 episodes: 'Have a Nice Trip' and 'Birdman of Boston' while Maddie is absent in 12 episodes.
- Absurdly Long Limousine: One episode had London mentioning that she has a fleet of limousines so long that they can't turn corners. If she is traveling a route that goes around corners she needs to get out of one limo and into another.
- The Ace: Max is a great dancer, basketball player, and bass player
- Accidental Hand Hold: In 'Kisses & Basketball', Zack and Max reach for the same slice of cake and their hands touch.
- Accidental Kiss: While the team is celebrating their victory, Max accidentally kisses Zack. Carey does the same to Arwin at the end of the episode.
- Also occurs in the episode 'Tale of The Two Houses' when Zack and Barbara accidentally kiss in the dark mistaking each other for their respective dates.
- Adorkable: Cody Martin.
- Aesop Amnesia: In Stalker with a Crush Agnes' first episode, she learns the lesson that you can't cling and stalk and force someone into liking you, and if she hadn't come on so strong she might've had a chance at a least a friendship with Zack or Cody. In every other appearance, she's right back to stalking and crushing, although the twins generally treat her as a somewhat creepy friend rather than someone to run away from.
- Amicable Exes: Zack and Cody's parents are on good terms.
- Air-Vent Passageway: A frequent component of the twins' more devious schemes.
- All Just a Dream: The events of the Wish Upon A Star crossover episode 'Super Twins' was revealed to be Zack's dream.
- Alpha Bitch: London, before she became nicer and a complete idiot. Dana, the head cheerleader at Cheevers High, is perhaps a straighter example.
- Always Identical Twins: Subverted in one episode where they had a twin convention at the hotel. London hooks up with a hot guy and Maddie gets paired with his twin. To Maddie's dismay, the twins are fraternal and her date is much less hotter and a complete know-it-all.
- Animal Gender-Bender: London Tipton's pet dog, Ivana, is played by a male dog.
- Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?: From the 'Suite Smell of Excess':Zack Martin: Chihuahuas have freakishly large ears?
- Asian and Nerdy: Barbara, Cody's girlfriend.
- Attractive Bent-Gender: A few episodes had either Zack and/or Cody in a dress. And they did look pretty convincing. This example might be considered a surprising allusion for a Disney show to a previous role played by the Sprouse twins in The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things.
- Away in a Manger: The Christmas Episode featured a couple named Mary and Joseph, and Mary gave birth in the Tipton elevator on Christmas Eve. And since the show takes place in a hotel, there was 'no room at the inn'. Everyone noticed the coincidence and hung a lampshade on it, except for London who didn't get it.Cody: Isn't this weird? Mary and Joseph are traveling together...
Zack: On Christmas Eve...
Maddie: And there's no room for them in the inn...
Arwin: And a child is born.
Esteban: What a coincidence!
London: I don't get it. - Be Careful What You Wish For: In the Wish Upon A Star special episode 'Super Twins', Zack and Cody see a falling star and wish for superpowers. The next morning, their wish is granted and they become superheroes. However, they realize at the end of the episode that it's too much hard work and race back in time to undo the wish.
- While technically not a wish, the boys use a dimension-teleporter created by Arwin in 'The Suite Smell of Success' to travel to a Mirror Universe where there are no rules and they are free to do whatever they want. However, they soon grow tired of it and decide that the alternate Tipton isn't the ideal place for them.
- Belly Dancer: Maddie performs as a belly dancer in place of a real, professional one in 'Aptitude'.
- The B Grade: In the episode where Cody is forced to take Wood Shop due to picking an elective that not even the teacher showed up to, it's revealed that he has extremely unrealistic ideas of what will happen to him if he doesn't ace every class. In a nightmare sequence he's made to be the janitor of a 'Big Snooty Ivy League College' due to not acing Wood Shop. As he hysterically claims to his mom when she thinks he's putting too much pressure on himself:Cody: I'm not putting too much pressure on me! Harvard is putting too much pressure on me! Yale is putting too much pressure on me! Princeton! Stanford! MIT! If I don't ace Wood Shop, I'm going to end up as one of those guys who sells hot dogs and sleeps in a taxi!
- Bi the Way: Zack’s and Cody’s friend Bob, who keeps mistaking Zack’s requests to help him with a Zany Scheme in ‘French 101’ for dates, but winds up dating the Girl of the Week by the end of the episode.
- Black Widow: Miss Klotz, Moseby's predecessor as Cruise Director of the S.S. Tipton, from the episode 'Let Us Entertain You':Carey Martin: You're a heartless woman.
Miss Klotz: Didn't bother me when my four ex-husbands said it; doesn't bother me when you say it.
Carey Martin: You've been divorced four times?
Miss Klotz: Oh, no, no, widowed. - Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Maddie, London, and Carey in later seasons.
- Bluffing the Authorities: In the episode 'Cody Goes to Camp', when London is driving slowly with Zack, Maddie, and Muriel on the interstate, they get pulled over by a cop and is given a warning because London is still learning how to drive. But when Muriel starts driving really fast and they get pulled over by the same cop, Muriel and London makes up the excuse that Zack recently ate some bad chili cheese dogs and he needs to go to the hospital which the cop believes because this happened before.
- Book Dumb: Zack. London was this before her Flanderization into a total ditz.
- Born in an Elevator: The Christmas Episode.
- The Brainless Beauty: London, Mark's girlfriend in the episode 'A Tale of Two Houses'. London's sweet but dull-witted friend Chelsea Brimmer also qualifies.
- Brawn Hilda: In the bowling episode. Played by Aunt Hilda.
- Broke Episode: 'Poor Little Rich Girl' where London has all her belongings and room repossessed by the bank when her father invested too much money in an alleged diamond cave that didn't turn out to have any diamonds and she gets forced to move in with Maddie. Matter of fact, she's lucky to have Maddie as Maddie at first tried to lie to London she doesn't have any available rooms but Moseby rats out Maddie bragged her sister moved out some time ago.
- Broken Aesop / Jerkass Has a Point: In one episode, Mr. Tipton's latest wife, Brandi, visits the hotel and tries play an active role in London's life, annoying her to no end. Eventually, London get fed up with Brandi and tells her that she isn't a parent to her, just another Trophy Wife her father will just divorce, hurting Brandi's feelings. While the two make up by the end of the episode, Brandi is never seen or mentioned again and Mr. Tipton was said to have remarried many more times.
- Broken Treasure: In one episode, London borrows and accidentally loses Maddie's grand grandmother brooch in a restaurant. Maddie is furious. Instead of searching for it, London buys a replacement brooch, 'with real emeralds instead of green glass'. Maddie is even angrier because 'this brooch has no sentimental value'. At the end of the episode, the real brooch is found by a Bag Man after London searched the restaurant trash bins (in 'so last season Arturo Vitalli' clothes, no less!)
- Brought Home the Wrong Kid: Carey gives us this little anecdote.Carey: I was mad when you came home from the playground with the wrong twins.
Kurt: It was an honest mistake.
Carey: They were girls! - But for Me, It Was Tuesday: In the episode, 'Not So Suite 16,' when Maddie finds out that London's 16th birthday party is on the same day as hers:Maddie: (learning London has planned to hold her own sweet-sixteen party on Maddie's sixteenth birthday) This isn't fair! Your birthday was six months ago!
London: So? I can have my party whenever I want.
Maddie: I seem to recall, for your actual birthday, you took a cruise around the Mediterranean. What do you call that?
London: Tuesday. - Butt-Monkey: Moseby. Also, Cody, thanks to Zack.
- Maddie, at times.
- Catchphrase: London's 'Yay me!' and Moseby's 'Oh very well.'
- Estaban has two: 'Oh, Mr. Moseby!' and 'This is a disaster!'
- Celebrity Paradox: Maddie (played by Ashley Tisdale) auditions for the part of Sharpay in a school play based on High School Musical (who was also played by Ashley Tisdale). She claims all her friends say she looks the part, but no one else sees it.
- Christmas Episode: 'Christmas at the Tipton'.
- Clip Show/Whole Episode Flashback: The final episode has the cast having flashbacks to previous episodes as they prepare for Mr. Tipton's arrival.
- Code Name: Zack and Cody use code names when pulling off some of their more elaborate pranks. Usually Zack picks the code names and gives Cody an embarrassing one and himself a flattering one, such as 'Better Looking Twin'. This does, however, lead to a Beware the Nice Ones moment in one episode. After Cody was stung on the nose by a bee, Zack gives him the code name 'Red Schnoz', then asks him if he's ready. Cody glares at him and says 'I'm ready, Soon-To-Be-Fat-Lip!'
- Continuity Nod: In the episode 'Hotel Inspector', Moseby is seen building a model of the Tipton in his apartment. Later in the episode 'Risk It All', the same model can be seen briefly in Moseby's office.
- Cody mentions being in a beauty Pageant in The Suite Life on Deck. That happened alllll the way back in the second episode of season 1 in the original Suite Life.
- Comically Missing the Point:
- In their review of Pride and Prejudice, London and her book club identify with Caroline Bingley and lambaste Darcy for 'marrying beneath him'.
- The twins once enlisted Arwin's assistance in removing the parental controls on their mature-rated video game. Arwin did so, but also removed all of the violence and gore.
- Contrived Clumsiness: One episode entirely revolves around the Tipton hotel staff competing to be Employee of the Month and win a free trip, and start sabotaging each other, including one instance where Maddie's cart breaks spilling candy everywhere. Patrick, the hotel restaurant waiter, denies doing anything to sabotage another employee and (looking down to see where his feet (in the middle of the spilled candy) are positioned) starts stomping on the candy while screaming 'NEVER!!! NEVER!!! NEVER!!!' Maddie, being one of the only sane employees, isn't fooled.
- Cross-Dressing Voices: In one episode, Zack calls the school he and Cody go to and 'disguises' his voice as his mom's, when it's obvious that they taped his mom's voice for this scene and he is just lipsyncing.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: London sometimes. Seriously. She works out, and turns into a volleyball fiend if sufficiently pissed off.
- Curves in All the Right Places: Parodied, in one episode, after Maddie tries to gain weight for a fashion show, another model tells her that she did not gain curves in the right places.
- Deadpan Snarker: This is a Disney Sitcom. Everyone fits this trope, but Maddie and Carey are the most prolific snarkers.
- Delivery Not Desired: Maddie writes an insulting email to Mr. Moseby to vent her frustrations about his treatment of her. London accidentally sends it, and the group tries to break into Mr. Moseby's office to delete it before he reads it. They delete the email, but Mr. Moseby has already read it on his smartphone.
- Derailed for Details: In an episode, Maddie is directing a student film with the help of the dim lifeguard, Lance, who plays the role of the wealthy male lead.Lance: Rich who?Lance: So I'm rich, and my name is Rich?Lance: What's my name then?Lance: Then why can't it be Rich?
- Diet Episode: 'Health and Fitness' has Carey force Zack to go on a diet when she catches him eat too much sugar and Chef Paolo asks Cody to help him diet when the former's cholesterol test revealed bacon bits. London also goes on a crash diet after being fooled by a funhouse mirror.
- Disguised in Drag: Cody does this in The Fairest of Them All when he competes (accidentally at first and unwillingly) in a beauty pageant. Zack does this later in the episode, when Cody decides he wants to throw the competition for another beauty pageant contestant who he had a crush on.
- Distaff Counterpart: Jessica and Janice exist as female identical twins and date Zack and Cody a few times. Though they didn't get much development until Suite Life On Deck.
- Also Max to Zack early in Season One.
- The Ditz: London, due to Flanderization.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: London, who is dressed as a mermaid, is trading insults with a similarly dressed girl who tells her, 'Well at least my seashells aren't fake!' Think about it and it should come to you.
- Dogged Nice Guy: Zack toward Maddie.
- Don't Explain the Joke: Max embarrassed herself repeatedly during student body presidential elections by trying to get people to laugh at her burns against Cody by explaining them.
- The Eeyore: Haley.
- Egg Sitting: The doll London and Maddie have to take care of for an episode.
- '80s Hair: Moseby explains the arrangement of photos on his office wall in 'Risk It All':Moseby: And by the way, it's afro, Jheri curl, thenfade.
- Election Day Episode: Zack and Cody ran against each other for student council. Cody wanted the position because he loves politics and wanted to make a difference, while Zack wanted a free trip to Washington that came with the job. After Zack teams up with London to buy the election, it becomes a contest over who can be the most showy.
- Facepalm: Maddie did this quite a bit during her stint as producer of Yay Me!
- Fat and Skinny: In the later episodes, Zack is slightly shorter and chubbier than Cody, who is slightly taller and more slender
- Fate Worse than Death: From 'Let Us Entertain You':Cody: Let's go to the Pawtucket Aquarium. I hear they just opened their Swim With the Jellyfish attraction. They won't sting you if you cover yourself in whale urine.
Zack: I'd rather get stung! - Feigning Intelligence: London hires Maddie to help her pull Playing Cyrano on a hot merit scholar, Trevor. The plan backfires when Maddie can't restrain herself from getting into a debate over politics with him, culminating in a Slap-Slap-Kiss. Fortunately, London seems more confused than hurt.
- Financial Test of Friendship: Mr Tipton invests all of his money in a diamond mine that doesn't have any diamonds. When London's presidential suite and her valuable assets are seized by the bank as partial payment of the debt incurred, Maddie invites London to stay with her family. At the end of the episode, the mine yields a massive oil reserve and the Tipton fortune is restored.
- Flamboyant Gay: Maitre d' Patrick (as is the actor who plays him). This caused a hilarious reference in one later episode when Carey does a dead-on impression of him.
- Five-Temperament Ensemble: Carey Martin and Lance Fishman (the phlegmatics), Cody Martin(melancholic/phlegmatic), Arwin Hawkhouser (melancholic with a touch of sanguine), Kurt Martin, Zack Martin, and London Tipton (sanguine/choleric), Esteban Ramirez (sanguine), Maddie Fitzpatrick (leukine), and Mr. Moseby (choleric, though not always the typical sitcom caricature).
- Follow the Leader: The popularity of iCarly led to the development of London's webshow Yay Me!
- Freudian Excuse: Whenever someone calls London on her antisocial behavior, she cites her father's poor example.
- 'Friends' Rent Control: Played with. In the first episode, Carey mentions that she gets free room and board as part of her contract with Mr. Moseby.
- Funny Foreigner: Esteban. And Ilsa Shickelgrubermeiger-Von Helsing der Keppelugerhofer.
- G-Rated Drug: Medieval Magic Quest, an MMORPG to which Zack and Moseby become addicted, to the detriment of their work and social lives. They even attend a 12-step program.
- Genius Ditz: Arwin. And surprisingly, London when it comes to playing Chess.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Now with its own page.
- Glass-Shattering Sound: The result of London's singing lessons.
- Go-to-Sleep Ending: After finally succeeding at curing London of her insomnia, Mr. Moseby, Maddie, and Esteban all end up falling asleep on London's bed.
- Group Hug: In 'Team Tipton'. Maddie, Zack, Cody, Esteban and Arwin have one, mostly to give Maddie more body heat to help her thaw out from her trip to Antarctica.Arwin: Ooh group hug! I love group hugs! Especially with other people! [old lady walks by]
Maddie: Hey lady! Come on, I could really use the heat. [lady walks away] After her! [whole hugging group walks together following the lady]
Arwin: Wow! She's fast! - Grumpy Bear: Mr. Moseby.
- Halloween Episode: 'The Ghost of Suite 613' and 'Arwinstein'
- Handsome Lech: Kurt Martin.
- Hollywood Pudgy: Parodied when London and Maddie were led to believe they were too fat and too thin respectively. Brenda Song and Ashley Tisdale were quite thin at the time, but not dangerously so; London could have endangered her health with a crash diet and compulsive exercise, while Maddie had no reason to binge and could have set herself on the path to obesity. Fortunately Moseby talked some sense into them, telling them what anyone who isn't brainwashed by this trope (and its inverse) already knew: they're both gorgeous and don't need other people to tell them what to look like.
- Holding Both Sides of the Conversation: Attempted in an early episode, where one twin has to convince the babysitter they're both in the bathroom while the other sneaks off.
- Homage: In one episode Cody moves into the closet in their suite. Later on there is a scene where there is a ton of people in there, this scene's blocking is copied almost exactly from a scene the Marx Brother's film 'A Night at the Opera.'
- Hormone-Addled Teenager: Most of the young cast.
- Hotel Hellions: Provides the page picture.
- Humiliating Wager: The twins enter a bet at the local supermarket they work at against a rival market, claiming that they were the better bag boys. Ultimately, they lose, and the twins and their boss have to work an entire shift in dresses.
- Hypocritical Humor: Used all the time.
- Identical Twin ID Tags: Cody tries to make one by dying his hair.
- Identical Twin Mistake: Downplayed. For the most part, the twins manage to avoid this trope, but one episode has them doubt their identities when they see a video of their mother getting them confused when they were newborn babies.
- I Ate WHAT?!: Occurs where Lance, a lifeguard who enjoys anything from the water, was eating some caviar that one of London's friends gives him but when he finds out what it really was, he immediately spits it out.
- If I Were a Rich Man: Zack fantasizes about this on the episode when they take an Inept Aptitude Test. Zack (the slacker doofus) gets the result of 'millionaire'. Cody (the studious dork) gets 'custodial engineer'. Cody's even in the fantasy to sweep up...
- In the treasure hunt episode, everyone in the main cast has one. Zack imagines that he's married to Maddie and has his own private arcade, Cody imagines winning the Nobel Prize in every subject (plus baking), Maddie imagines becoming the president, Esteban imagines becoming manager of the Tipton Hotel and making London a bellhop, and London... imagines it to be just like her life is right now, as she's already filthy rich.
- Imaginethe Audience Naked: Carey suggests this to Cody for his big speech, and Cody makes a sarcastic quip when Zack literally shows up in his underwear.
- Inept Aptitude Test: In one episode, an aptitude test says that Zack will become a CEO, and that Cody will become a janitor.
- Informed Flaw: In 'Rumors', Cody complains about people confusing him and Zack when in reality, not very many people confuse the two to each other, and when some people do, it's before they meet the twins together.
- Informed Poverty: Maddie constantly complains about being poor as dirt, but when you actually get to see the apartment that her family lives in, it's not bad at all. Likely supposed to be seen as poor because she's being compared to her crazy-rich friend who constantly goes on shopping sprees, while Maddie *gasps* has to work to get luxuries.
- Innocent Innuendo: From the episode 'The Prince & the Plunger':Arwin: So I was leaning over a toilet, plunging... in and out, in and out, in and out...
- Inspirationally Disadvantaged: Zack and Cody's wheelchair-bound friend Jamie. One episode was dedicated to Zack and Cody trying to help Jamie to rediscover his love of basketball.
- Instant Birth: Just Add Water!: A couple had this in the Christmas Episode, a shout out to the birth of Jesus Christ. The cast even points out all the similarities:Cody: Isn't this weird? Mary and Joseph are traveling together...
Zack: On Christmas Eve...
Maddie: And there's no room for them in the inn...
Arwin: And a child is born.
Esteban: What a coincidence!
London: I don't get it. - Inter-Class Romance:
- In one episode Maddie falls for a rich guy and attempts to look and act rich so he will like her.
- In another episode, London falls for a delivery boy, and seeks Maddie's counsel on how to act poor.
- Carey once dated a billionaire and he was even going to ask for her hand in marriage. She politely declined.
- It's Fake Fur, It's Fine: In one episode, London, acting as an animal-loving celebrity, attracts the rage of a local animal rights group after Maddie lets it slip to a reporter that London has 'fox furs' in her wardrobe. It is later revealed that it was a misunderstanding; London's furs are fake but she thinks that 'faux' (which rhymes dough) is pronounced fox.
- I Was Quite a Looker / Identical Kiosk Girl That's Not Related To Me In the Slightest: In her younger years, Muriel was played by Ashley Tisdale.
- Jerkass: A lot of one-shot characters in opposition to the main cast are this, being insulting, demeaning, or just plain rude. Zack and London also have their moments with this.
- Jerkass Has a Point: In 'Hotel Inspector', Ilsa doesn't spare Mr. Moseby a harsh word about how disorderly his hotel was at the time.
- Jewish and Nerdy: Barbara, Cody's girlfriend.
- Kick the Dog: Zack and London do this a lot, though one of Zack's more notorious examples is when he caused a French girl that liked Cody to break up with him because he couldn't believe that a girl would like Cody voluntarily.
- Ilsa Shickelgrubermeiger-Von Helsing der Keppelugerhofer seems to do almost nothing but this in all three of her appearances.
- Kid-anova: Zack, though to be fair, his attempts failed just as often as they succeeded.
- Kids Shouldn't Watch Horror Films: The twins take their dates not to see the kiddie film Doggie Came Home but the horror film Zombie Mom. Zack ends up having nightmares and sleepwalking in the hotel, stacking the lobby furniture against the door to stop the zombies.
- Kirk's Rock: Appears in a prehistoric setting when the twins travel a bit too far back in time.
- Kiss of Life:
- In the episode 'Rumors', London walks in on Maddie and London thinking they were kissing in the staff lounge, but Lance was actually teaching Maddie mouth-to-mouth resucitation.
- When London keeps asking the employees for 'help', Lance immediately starts forcefully giving her resucitation (despite the fact that she isn't even drowning) causing her to leave in disgust. And in a Brick Joke, he does it again to Moseby seconds later.
- A later episode has London trick Lance into kissing her this way after falling in love with him.
- Kitsch Collection: Arwin's mom's incredibly spooky collection of owl figurines.
- Lady Looks Like a Dude: A Running Gag had Moseby consistently call Max a boy.
- Lazy Alias: In one episode, Zack and Cody cut school and go to the mall where they enter a contest. Cody doesn't want to use their real names though so they come up with aliases. Cody enters under the alias 'Wing Lee'. What alias does Zack enter under? 'Cody Martin'. The alias works until their mom finds out.
- Little Miss Snarker: Max occasionally does this.
- Long Runner: By far the longest-running series in the Disney Channel Live-Action Universe by original run and episode count if both the original Suite Life of Zack and Cody and the On DeckRetool are counted as a single series. Even so, both series on their own are Long-Runners by DCLAU standards.
- Lucky Translation: The Chinese version of the title accomodates the pun by translating suite life as first class or first rate (the word means the top-notch or best or even highest level) life rather than using the word suite.
- Mama Bear: Carey who even lampshades it in 'Cody Goes to Camp':Carey: Esteban. Do you like nature films?
Esteban: I love nature films.
Carey: Did you even see the one about what a mother bear will do to protect her cubs? - Mini-Golf Episode: Had an episode called 'Miniature Golf' where Zack getting beaten at mini-golf by Ella. After asking Mr. Moseby to train him and winning the rematch, he becomes quite arrogant.
- Mirror Universe: This is the main plot of the episode 'The Suite Smell of Success'.
- Mistaken for Gay: In ‘French 101’, Zack tries to get Bob’s help with his Zany Schemes, but Bob keeps mistaking his requests to participate as date invitations.
- Modesty Towel: Played straight when one of the title characters spent a good part of an episode wearing a towel that reached from his ankles to his ribs. Was it a towel or a carpet?
- Naked People Trapped Outside: Zack locks Cody out of their suite while he's wearing a towel. Their mother is not amused.
- Name and Name: The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.
- Never Lend to a Friend: Maddie borrows money from London, and London uses this to guilt Maddie into doing things for her. In the end, Esteban and the rest of the staff take up a collection so Maddie can pay London back. This upsets London who wanted to keep power over her.
- In another episode Zack borrows money from another boy to play in the arcade, without any ability or intention to pay back, the boy threatens Zack into making Cody throw the spelling Bee they are both in so he can win 'or else'. Since the boy if tall and built Zack think the threat is violent, however when everything comes to light the boy reveals he wasn't going to beat him up, he was going to tell Zack's mom about the money.
- Newspaper-Thin Disguise: Zack and Cody try to disguise themselves with newspapers with eyeholes, but Zack also cut a mouth hole in his to eat french fries and they are both caught by Maddie.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Dumb hotel heiress whose first name is a famous capital of an European country. Hmm. Who could that possibly be a reference to? It's even Lampshaded at one point:Sister Dominick: No, the spoiled hotel heiress!
London: Is Paris Hilton in this class?
Sister Dominick: No, I'm talking about you. - Nonverbal Miscommunication: Zack has to pretend to be Cody for an interview and Cody (who can't be himself due to accidentally dying his hair red and not wanting to be embarrassed) stands from behind and tries to signal Zack on what to day. It didn't go well.Zack: That's easy. President Carter.Zack: 'Why?'? He uh...(Cody raises his hands up) builds...builds houses. Builds houses for (Cody puts a napkin over his head) nuns! Builds houses for nuns. Builds houses for (Cody starts walking around with back down) old people. (Cody shivers) Cold people. Builds houses for...(Cody walks around in a weird way) poor people? (Cody gives a disapproving look) Builds houses for poor people.
- Noodle Incident: London once went on a rant culminating in her mentioning locking someone on a ship headed to a South America where they'll spend the rest of their life working in Peruvian copper mines. She then mentions 'what do you think happened to the guy before Moseby?'
- A brief scene from the Suite Life Goes HollywoodBud: So the fire department found the monkey in the vent?Cody: No, no, no. The police department found the python in the vent.Zack: Nobody. It's still somewhere in the hotel.
- A brief scene from the Suite Life Goes Hollywood
- Not So Different: Although the Martin boys appear, at first glance, to be Polar Opposite Twins, they're much more alike than either would care to admit. Zack is, in many ways, as much of a nerd as Cody, enjoying comics books and online fantasy games. Cody, likewise, is as big of a perv as Zack, such as when he encouraged Barbara to pursue cheerleading based on the realization that she'd be showing a lot more skin than he was accustomed to seeing.
- The Obi-Wannabe: When Esteban unexpectedly becomes opulently wealthy, London gives him lessons how to be a snooty, condescending spendthrift. As a result, he finds himself back in the same old rut when his assets are frozen.
- Obfuscating Disability: Zack pretending to be dyslexic in one episode.
- Ominous Owl: Whatever you do, don't make eye contact with the owl collection.
- Only Sane Man: Moseby, Maddie, Carey and occasionally Cody trade off who gets to hold the Sanity Ball, though on occasion they manage to share it.
- Overly Long Name:
- Madeline Margaret Genevieve Miranda Catherine Fitzpatrick, but you can call her Maddie.
- Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramirez.
- Ilsa Shickelgrubermeiger-Von Helsing der Keppelugerhofer.
- Overly Long Spanish Name: Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramirez, who announces his full name whenever he wants to say something about himself, sort-of talking in the third person just to get away with it. It is also used for a gag when he introduces his father (who has the exact same name as him, but with Diego instead of Esteban) by full name, and then gives his mother's name: Gladys.
- Panty Shot: Maddie's panties can be seen in 'Commercial Breaks'. Male fans went nuts.
- Actually, it's a black slip on, but it resembled boyleg panties.
- Parent Service: Carey seems to be used this way.
- On occasion, London (Brenda Song) and Maddie (Ashley Tisdale) fall under this trope too.
London: Well ok. (nervously begins to remove her top) If that's what poor people do... - Parent with New Paramour: Type Two. London Tipton spends one episode trying to get along with her father's new wife, and her stepmother trying to establish a real relationship with her. She is particularly upset with how often her father really does marry, and how many stepmothers walked in and out of her life as a result.
- Playing Cyrano: Maddie for London when she tries to date a smart guy.
- Plenty of Blondes: The series has four character in the younger generation. Two boys with shaggy blonde hair, Maddie with her wavy blonde locks, and an Asian. Their mother Carey has blonde hair in the first two seasons but dyes it brown midway through season 2.
- Poke the Poodle: In the episode 'Lip Synchin' in the Rain,' Maddie gets turned down for the role of Sharpay because she's 'too nice'; she tries to defend her ability to be mean with, 'Sometimes, when I give sandwiches to the poor, I don't cut off the crusts!'
- Polar Opposite Twins: Lazy, sloppy Zack compared to his twin neat, hardworking Cody.
- Post-Kiss Catatonia: Arwin wheneevr Carey kisses him.
- Prayer of Malice: In 'Volley Dad', one of the nuns in Maddie's Catholic school prays that their volley ball team will viciously crush the opposing team.Nun: Okay, before we stomp these losers right into the ground, let us pray. Lord, please help us stomp these losers into the ground. Amen.
- Precocious Crush: The show has this with Zack over Maddie throughout the show. By On Deck, he got his kiss from her. One of the most memorable moments is in the episode 'A Prom Story' where they shared a prom dance.
- Also from On Deck, the 8-year-old prince of Liechtenstamp crushing on Maddie. He even came close to marrying her, too! On this same same episode, Zack still had feelings for Maddie, but it evolved into a Likes Older Women situation.
- Pun-Based Title: The titles of both shows, and many episodes thereof.
- Lampshaded in 'The Suite Life Goes Hollywood', wherein the host had to bribe the audience with food to laugh.
- Put Off Their Food: In 'Twins at the Tipton', Maddie and London double date with twins and Maddie goes out with the nerdy twin. He starts talking about gross trivia at the dinner table, including that it takes '3 hours for meat to move through your intestines so the bile can churn up the gastric acid.' Maddie then replies that she'll have a salad.
- Pyrrhic Victory: Maddie proves that London cannot handle being the average worker. Her reward? Moseby ordering her to cleaning up all the mess London made since he cannot order her to do it. Maddie is not pleased at this.
- Reality Ensues
- In the episode when Zack & Cody gain super powers, there is a scene showing the town being in constant danger. This showed that being superhero would require a lot of responsibility. This convinces the boys to give up being superheroes. With great power comes great responsibility, indeed.
- One episode has the boys (mostly Cody) trying to get their parents back together again. Instead, Carey and Kurt have to gently break it to them that no, they're not going to reignite their old flame, even if it sounds like the ideallic ending.
- One episode has Cody, fed up with Zack constantly making their room a mess, decide to move into the suite's front closet. At the end, when Zack has become more organized and Cody says he wants to come back, Zack asks if it's because he changed his habits. Cody admits it's part of the reason, but it's mainly because the fire department found out what he was doing and ordered him to move out of the closet as a person living in such a confined space is a fire hazard.
- Rearrange the Song: 'Rock Star in the House' (the episode with Jesse Mc Cartney) ends with a more poppy rearrangement of the theme song, mashing it up with a version of McCartney's 'Beautiful Soul'.
- Recycled Soundtrack:
- The episode 'Arwinstein' uses a music cue from 'Cyberchase'.
- 'Cody Goes to Camp' features a music cue from 'PB&J Otter'.
- Retool: Into The Suite Life on Deck (see below). The latter may also be considered a spin-off.
- Riches to Rags: In one episode, London loses her money due to a bad investment made by her father and is kicked out of the hotel forcing her to live with Maddie and start acting like normal people. Of course, since Status Quo Is God, she regain her wealth at the end of the same episode.
- Rocky Roll Call: One episode has this exchange:London: Todd!
Todd: London!
Mr. Moseby: London!
Ilsa: Todd!
Maddie: Maddie! - Running Gag: Someone always manages to save the vase in the center of the lobby when it gets knocked over. It finally gets destroyed in the final episode.
- Sadist Teacher: Sister Dominique from Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow Catholic School, who blatantly favors London, blames Maddie for London getting in trouble, and in general acts nothing like a nun should.
- Sassy Black Woman: Nia Moseby.
- Say My Name Trailer: Disney Channel has a whole set of these for Zack, Cody, Maddie, and London.
- Scary Black Man: Moseby is his own proprietary brand: a short, fussy, pretentious, effeminate milquetoast who nonetheless instills fear and trembling in his subordinates. Coach Little is more of a straight example.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money!:
- Many of Tipton Industries' business practices have been either implied or stated outright to be highly unethical, and at times, outright illegal. Numerous things London has said strongly imply that her father has left her with the impression that rich people are above the law.
- Played straight with this example: When Carey was giving London singing lessons, she recommended London think of something that reminded of her of each note on the musical scale to remember them.
Carey: La.
London: 'Law' is something you get to break if you're rich. *points to herself and mouths, 'Me'*- Subverted with this one:
London: Daddy says there are two things a Tipton never does: Apologize, and pay taxes.
Chelsea: My daddy told me the same thing...the last time I visited him in prison.- In 'I Want My Mummy', Mr. Tipton used his money to hire an over-glorified grave robber to steal archaeological artifacts from Estaban's Peruvian village and brought them to the Boston Tipton. What's really scary here is that Mr. Tipton, showing a complete lack of morals, lied to London that he was not stealing.
Maddie: London, you can't just steal another country's cultural artifacts.
London: Daddy didn't steal them. He bought them from a guy named Dakota Smith. He delivered them in the middle of the night, then we left really, really fast on the jet. I barely made it off the steps!
Maddie:...Well, as long as they weren't STOLEN!- There's also the 'Fung Shwei' craze that London goes through in one episode. After Esteban's family accidentally drills a hole in a Tipton pipeline, she announces (happily) that they're going to bulldoze the family's house and build a resort. Esteban bursts into tears at the news.
- London also manages to work her way into most plots that involve auditions/competitions by having flaunting her money towards the person in charge.
- Secret Santa: Maddie organizes the Tipton staff Secret Santa and makes sure that London picks her name, hoping for an expensive gift.
- Security Cling: In an episode, Cody gets frightened in a supposedly haunted room and leaps into Maddie's arms. Maddie promptly drops him. When he tries it again with London later, she doesn't even try to catch him.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Cody plays the former and Zack the latter each to perfection.
- Show Within a Show: Yay Me! starring London Tipton, a webshow within a show.
- There is also the commercial for the Tipton in 'Let us Entertain You'.
- 'Shut Up' Kiss: In the episode 'Sleepover Suite', Zack gives one of these to Stacy's friend Betsy, inducing Post-Kiss Catatonia to keep her from revealing to London what they've really been up to in her suite. He attempts this again with another of Stacy's friends, which earns him a slap from her and from Betsy for two-timing her.
- Sibling Seniority Squabble: Zack is a few minutes older than Cody and will never ever let him live it down.
- Silent Bob: Norman the Doorman. The number of times that he talks can be counted on two fingers. He says 'Thank you boys!' in one episode and 'Doors without doormen hurt people!' in another.
- The Show Goes Hollywood: The Suite Life Goes Hollywood episode.
- The Slacker: Muriel. She's close to retirement, but on several occasions she's neglected her duties. She once came into the Martins' suite and stayed there, eating all the food out of their refrigerator. She also walked in on a date between London and a boy, stayed there, and when London asked 'Aren't you supposed to be working?' responded with 'What's your point?'
- Slap-Slap-Kiss: The smart guy London tries to date turns out to be Maddie's polar opposite on the political spectrum. Not only does this cause her to blow her cover as Playing Cyrano, but also results in a shouting match, name-calling...and making out.
- Sound-Effect Bleep: There are two episodes where a loud noise prevents the audience from hearing Zack and/or Cody being cussed out. The first is sound of a bus horn while Zack's miniature golf date Ella cusses him out for being a poor sport. The second is when the ship's horn drowns out the sound of Carey cussing the boys out for shanghaiing her into doing practically every bit of entertainment on the ship.
- Squirrels in My Pants: Happens to Cody briefly in 'Footloser' while taking Zack's place in a dance competition. A scene shows Cody grabbing at his leg and in the next scene, a rabbit climbs out of his pants leg. Cue mixed looks from the judges, Max, and the audience at the show
- Star-Crossed Lovers: London and Todd St. Mark, son of the proprietor of the rival St. Mark Hotel, in the episode 'Cookin' with Romeo and Juliet'.
- The Stateroom Sketch: Actual Closet variant, completes the homage by having their mother open the door so that everyone tumbles out.
- Stereotype Flip: Maddie and London are the inverse of the Dumb Blonde, Smart Asian stereotype.
- Though in the Alternate Universe of Suite Smell of Success, the stereotypes are withheld.
- Stern Nun: Sister Dominick.
- Strange Minds Think Alike:
- Zack and Cody are trying to catch some jewel thieves, and Zack has set up a net in London's suite and covered it with leaves:Cody: Why would there be leaves in a hotel suite?
Zack: ... I'll open up the window so they'll think it blew in from the park across the street!
Cody: That'll never work!
[Later, when the jewel thieves enter the suite]
Thief 1: ... Why are there leaves on the floor?
Thief 2: (looks at window) It must've blown in from the park across the street.
Zack: (to Cody) Told you! - In another episode, Zack and Cody try to catch a father-daughter con duo and Cody does much of the work to catch them, with Zack being the one who comes up with the name of the plan, which is pretty lame. Near the end, when they're caught, the father reveals the daughter is the brains of the operation and that he's the one who comes up with the lame plan names.
- Zack and Cody are trying to catch some jewel thieves, and Zack has set up a net in London's suite and covered it with leaves:
- Straw Feminist: Maddie, early in the show's run.
- Straw Loser: Millicent.
- Sweet on Polly Oliver: Gender-Inverted Trope in the episode The Fairest Of Them All. YMMV, but Rebecca (one of the beauty pageant contestants) sure seemed to act very flirty towards Cody while he was disguised as Tyreesha...
- Tomboy: Max, a running gag features Mr. Moseby constantly mistaking her for a boy.
- Tongue on the Flagpole: London gets her tongue stuck a frozen smoothie that Zack had stuck on a popsicle stick.
- Took a Level in Dumbass: While London was always flighty and slightly dim, in Season 1 she was fairly competent and able to do things for herself, as well as astute and quick witted. Over the course of episodes, however, she progressively became almost Too Dumb to Live until she is who the character has become today. See Hidden Depths under 'On Deck' as well.
- Trash the Set: In the final episode, the ship is sold and is to be dismantled by episode’s end; we get to see the crew taking all the stuff away before everyone leaves.
- Twin Switch: Done in the pilot episode.
- Twofer Token Minority: Cody's girlfriend Barbara, who is both Japanese and Jewish.
- Upper-Class Twit: London.
- Very False Advertising: The episode that saw Maddie temporarily Put on a Bus had Sister Dominique showing her a camp brochure with a waterfall and various other natural wonders...then the camp turns out to be horrible (they once had leech cobbler as a meal and are across the road from a slaughterhouse).
- Vitriolic Best Buds:
- Maddie and London, Type 2.
- Also, Zack and Cody.
- London with Zack and Cody too.
- 'Walk on the Wild Side' Episode: 'What the Hey.' Zack talks Cody into ditching school, and they head for the mall.
- What the Heck Is an Aglet?: In one episode, Maddie helps London fight her shopping addiction by holding on to all her credit cards. At one point, London asks for the cards back, saying that she's just going to buy something small, like a pair of shoes, or only one shoe, or one of 'Those things at the end of the shoe lace that nobody knows what it's called.' To which Maddie instantly replies, 'An aglet?'
- Worse with Context: In 'Dad's Back', season 1, when Carey gets mad at Kurt for making their home a mess and letting Zack and Cody watch a horror movie:Kurt: I know, you're mad.
Carey: No, no, I was mad when you sold our car to buy a new guitar. I was mad when you came home from the playground with the wrong twins.
Kurt: It was an honest mistake.
Carrie: They were girls. - Yiddish as a Second Language: Barbara likes to throw the occasional Yiddish word or phrase around to show off her Judaism.
- You Are Grounded: Most episodes end with this. In the last season, one episode starts with this after the boys ruin a wedding and at the end Carrie states how they're locked in a vicious cycle of sneaking out and getting grounded, and then exaggerates how long they're gonna be grounded now. The episode ends with her measuring them and as a reply to Zack's question of if he gets a last meal, she says she's making it, to which he responds 'Aren't I being punished enough?'. In comparison this isn't as common on The Suite Life on Deck since Zack and Cody are living by themselves, though in the second half of the pilot Moseby grounds London for running away, and in the crossover event 'Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana' Moseby blames Zack for Alex pouring blue dye in the hot tub and confines him to his room.
- Your Costume Needs Work: In 'Not So Suite 16', lots of girls pretend to be London Tipton in order to get to her party, and the real London Tipton gets mistaken for one of those pretenders.
- Your MomWayne: Hey, it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings...oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring your mother into this.
- Zany Scheme: As any Disney Channel sitcom would have it.
- Aborted Arc: An arc began at the end of the second season involving Dante, a pre-teen impostor who had assumed Marcus' old persona of Lil' Little, and continued when Dante stowed away aboard the Tipton, at which point Marcus reluctantly took the youngster under his wing and arranged for him to have a job performing aboard the ship. Since Marcus left, he's not seen again. Most fans don't mind.
- What fans did mind was the first three episodes set up a friendship between Zack and Bailey. After the episode they decided to relegate all of Bailey's plots to involve Cody or London.
- Added Alliterative Appeal:Moseby: I've been punched and pummeled by a pack of peeved Parisians!
- Also:
Moseby: Please place the pamphlets properly in the pamphlet podium! - Adorkable: Bailey Pickett.
- And Now You Must Marry Me: Maddie is tricked into becoming engaged to an 8-year-old bratty prince and cannot refuse because of a law in the country. Fortunately, Zack saves Maddie by challenging the kid to a duel.
- Affectionate Parody:
- Naomi Wyoming is a paper-thin parody of Hannah Montana, made all the funnier by the fact that Bailey meets and parties with the actual Hannah Montana after this episode. The outfit used for the appearance is even a differently toned one of an actual Hannah Montana outfit.
- The episode 'Seven Seas News' is a send-up of Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.
- The episode 'Starship Tipton' is basically Star Trek. They even got George Takei (Sulu) to play London's Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandson.
- 'The Spy Who Shoved Me' is a send-up of James Bond films.
- Moseby in 'So You Think You Can Date' dresses up as Michael Jackson. Tutweiller comments he looks thrilling. Yet another episode has Moseby dressed up as Prince, complete with 'Let's Go Crazy'-esque music in the background.
- 'The Kidney of the Sea' was one to Titanic (1997). A rich girl comes to the ship and develops a relationship with Zack, hitting all the major plot points of the movie on the way.
- Marcus' hip-hopera was quite possibly a send-up of R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet.
- All Just a Dream: Not really a dream, but the Episode Set In The Future was a madeup narratation by Zack as an excuse for not doing his essay.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Callie attempts to kill everybody on the ship except Cody, who she wants.
- Anti-Hero: Zack.
- Air-Vent Passageway: Kirby's means of infiltrating the engine room. Kirby aptly notes:Kirby: I'm a double-extra-large man trying crawl through a medium vent.
- American Gothic Couple: In the episode 'Mulch Ado About Nothing', Cody's re-creation of the Mulch Festival for Bailey includes a couple of passengers posing as the couple from the painting. Lampshaded by Cody:
- And the Adventure Continues: After their graduation, the twins expect one more adventure ahead of them before going to college.
- Artifact Title: The pun of Suite Life in the first series referred to the hotel the show was set in. The Pun-Based Title continued in the second series, but it took place on a cruise liner. note
- Ass Shove: Zack and Woody land safely on the observation deck. Their pursuer, the gangster Stefane, lands on the spire, resulting in an 'Eiffel Tower wedgie'.
- Back to School: In one episode, Kirby joins Ms. Tutwiler's class because he never finished high school but becomes stressed out about the final exam and Zack and Cody must help him so he can graduate.
- Back for the Finale: Zack and Cody's parents, Carey and Kurt, come to see the twins graduate high school.
- Belly Dancer: One is shown aboard the S.S. Tipton in 'Rock the Casbah'.
- Big Eater:
- Kirby, who keeps a stick of butter in his pocket because he doesn't like gum. Which is so much more hilarious when you realize he shares a name with another Big Eater from a well-known series.
- Woody as well.
- Bittersweet Ending: The series finale 'Graduation on Deck'.
- Boldly Coming: Just barely averted between Moseby and a purple skinned version of Tutweiller.
- Book-Ends: In the first episode, Cody walks into his room and sees Woody searching for his other pair of underpants. In the last episode, when they're packing, Woody finally finds his second pair.
- Brick Joke: In 'Trouble in Tokyo', Mr. Moseby says that London only got her vaccination shot after Nurse Nancy loaded it into a traquilizer dart and shot her from the flagpole. Guess how London got her booster shot at the end of her episode.'Mr. Moseby: Good shot, Nurse Nancy!
- Butt-Monkey: Emma Tutweiller.
- Bailey also fills this role at times, especially when she's around London.
- The Cameo: Members of the original series (Arwin, Maddie, the twins' parents, Esteban, etc) did have one off appearances throughout the shows run eventually leading to...
- Back for the Finale:... where they attended the twins' graduation.
- Camp Gay:
- Implied with London's many-times great grandson Rome, after all he is played by George Takei.
- London's favorite fashion designer, Arturo Vitali, is possibly the most Camp Gay character to ever appear on the Disney Channel. The lines about ladies in lingerie aren't fooling anyone.
- Canon Discontinuity:
- Bailey mentioned have 6 big sisters and 3 little ones in 'Parrot Island' although in 'Twister' she is implied to be an only child as no sisters are present.
- In the the first series, London was depicted as being incredibly strong for her size, helping Maddie train for her physical fitness test. In On Deck, Zack had to give similar help to London. Of course, London's competence does vary in the series.
- Both Zack and Moseby were addicted to online gaming in 'Tiptonline' but play an online game in 'Love and War'
- Captivity Harmonica: In the episode 'Parrot Island', London plays a harmonica while imprisoned on the titular island, and plays it quite well to boot.
- Catchphrase:
- Woody yells 'Daaang it' several times during the series.
- Woody's 'Huuurtful!'
- Bailey's 'What the feathers?'
- Chained Heat: Mr. Blanket, the school's insane Guidance Counselor, handcuffs Moseby and Zack together, and swallows the key. It helps them understand one another better, but also increases their contempt for Blanket.
- Character Development: After being an Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist for so long, Zack finally seems to be having development that will stick in Season 3.
- Chekhov's Gun: Woody's turkey leg-turning device seems like the most frivolous thing he's ever come up with... that is, until it provides the batteries necessary to power the radio to call for help from the submarine.
- The Chew Toy: Mr. Moseby.
- Chorus Girls: One episode features chorus girls including the two female leads, London and Bailey dressing up and joining them.
- Christmas Episode: A London Carol
- Cloudcuckoolander: London seems to have retreated into her own world in this series.
- Comically Missing the Point: A lot of characters, major and minor, become guilty of this, but Woody's, well, in a class of his own. For example, in 'Boo You', Bailey gets fed up with London and Woody pranking her on 'Yay Me! Starring London Tipton' and smashes Woody's camera, which leads to this exchange.London: Woody, that camera's coming out of your salary.
Woody:(excited) I'm getting a salary?!- When Ms. Tuttweiler is trying to help Bailey get over her breakup with Cody:
Ms. Tuttweiler: ...and not think about he who must not be named.
London:Voldemort?!(looks around nervously)
Bailey: She means Cody. - Cool and Unusual Punishment: In the episode 'Model Behavior', Moseby punishes Zack, Marcus, and Woody for throwing a party without his authorization and encouraging a group of teen models to stay out past curfew by making them don snorkeling gear and fish the floaties they threw overboard out of the ocean.
- In another episode, they attempt to set up a fake beauty pageant simply so they can meet with girls. As punishment, they have to set up the entire beauty pageant by themselves and aren't allowed to flirt with the contestants.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Implied of Wilfred Tipton throughout both series, and confirmed in 'Twister, part 3'.
- Continuity Nod:
- The 'Wizards On Deck with Hannah Montana' episode references to the events of 'That's So Suite Life Of Hannah Montana'.
- 'Beauty and the Fleeced' contained Cody referencing the epsiode 'Fairest of Them All' of the parent series (where he wound up in a beauty pageant). It also referenced the first episode of the spin-off, which saw Bailey pull a Sweet Polly Oliver.Bailey: Pageants are about more than beauty. You could win scholarships. Plus they judge you on talent, poise, personality...
Cody: Oh, I know. I've been in a beauty pageant before.
Bailey: You mean, like for men?
Cody: (Bailey gives him a weirded out look) Hey, don't judge me! When I met you, you were a dude! - In 'Roomies,' Bailey's Sweet Polly Oliver from the pilot is referenced again.Zack: You know what, I don't wanna share [my room]! I earned that room!
London: No, you didn't! You just somehow convinced Moseby that Bailey was a girl so I got stuck with the stupid roommate. - The episode 'Rock the Kasbah' had Cody wear his Grizzly Bear Scout uniform from 'Ah! Wilderness!', which is referenced by Zack.
- 'The Ghost and Mr. Martin' makes a reference to 'The Ghost of Suite 613', when Zack mentions the ghost of Irene, who came out of a portrait.
- In 'Lost at Sea', Tutweiller tells Mr. Moseby that she used to be a weather girl for Vermont. In 'Seven Seas News', she shows the class a video of one of her segments.
- In 'Cruisin' for a Bruisin' Zack brings 'Dragon Quest' to Mr. Moseby, the same game they got addicted to at the hotel.
- Covered in Kisses: During the 'Boat Cops' segment in the ending of the episode 'Seven Seas News', Kirby finds Cody and Bailey making out in the smoothie bar, with Cody being covered in Bailey's lipstick.
- Crazy Cat Lady: Emma Tutweiller started off as a mildly-neurotic thirty-something woman who just happened to have a few cats. As of Season 3, she's devolved into a certifiably-insane serial stalker who keeps in excess of thirty cats in her cabin, using them as dress-up dolls and sock puppets. Lampshaded by Moseby:Moseby: And now the whole world knows that you're a lonely cat lady.
- Dance Party Ending: The aptly-named 'Party On'.
- Deadpan Snarker: Everybody has their moments. However, the snarkers-in-chief are Zack, Cody, Bailey, and Mr. Moseby.
- Delivery Guy Infiltration: London attempts this in 'I Brake For Wales' to sabotage Zack, Cody, London, Bailey, Marcus and Kirby's standup for the whales in the engine room. Marcus was the only one fooled.
- Demonic Possession: In the episode 'Can You Dig It?', Bailey finds herself possessed by the spirit of the ancient South American royal Princess Zaria when Zack finds her crown, thereby releasing her spirit from her bust. No. Not THAT bust.
- Derailed for Details: In 'Smarticle Particles,' when Bailey tries to tutor London, we get this exchange:—->Bailey: Your bus leaves the station at—
- London: *scoffs* I would never take the bus. I would take my private jet.Bailey: Right...Your private jet leaves the bus station at 6 a.m.Bailey:(getting ticked) What time d'ya think you're gonna get there?London: I don't know. Ask my chauffeur. He's the one driving me.Bailey:(really ticked now) So let's assume that your chauffeur has gotten you to your private jet at say, noon.Bailey: You'l have lunch on the plane!!London:(claps) Goodie!! Wait, what are we having? (Bailey tears the math book she's reading off of in half)
- Didn't Think This Through: The opening to one episode has Zack win a bet against Cody and the latter owes him free smoothies, which he now has to make.
- Distaff Counterpart: Bailey is this for Cody, in that she's just as nerdy as he is.
- Dogged Nice Guy: Cody toward Bailey in the first season. A mild subversion, as it was pretty clear that Bailey liked him, too. When they got together, the writers shifted this trait onto Marcus, who acts this way toward London, who is too much in her own world to notice.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: Moseby, who's had to deal with 5 years of Zack and Cody, plus 18 years of London, in the final episode proposes to Miss Tutweiller and goes off somewhere (he won't say where) that Zack and Cody and London aren't (though he gives London his cell phone number). Oddly for a kids' show, he's just about the only one who gets a real happy ending. Cody doesn't get into Yale, though Bailey did and they will visit each other and Zack and Maya break up, since she's going to Africa for the Peace Corps. London turns out all right but is really going to miss Moseby, since he was like a father to her.
- In Jessie, it's shown that despite defying Mr. Tipton in the finale, not only is Moseby still working for Mr. Tipton but actually manages a hotel in New York (which probably makes way more money than a hotel in Boston).
- Easily Condemned: When Bailey sees Cody practicing their one-year anniversary date with London, she immediately assumes he's cheating on her and goes to a sleazy French guy for comfort. This is in spite of the fact she didn't actually see Cody doing anything with London and he was faithful to her for a year and a half (the year they were together and the six months he spent trying to woo her). Cody points this out to her and he is furious that Bailey doesn't trust him, leading to their breakup.
- Either 'World Domination', or Something About Bananas: One episode has an incident where Cody translates some hieroglyphs as instructions to free Bailey from a curse unleashed by a crown. '...that or a recipe for fish tacos'.
- Everyone Can See It: It was pretty obvious from the beginning that Bailey liked Cody the same way he liked her.
- Everything's Better with Sparkles: During one episode where London was participating with the boys for a fantasy football league, in the ending of the episode, she mentions that she bought the Arizona Cardinals, now called the Arizona Sparklies. She even changed the uniforms to solid black with white piping & solid sparkling pink fronts with a matching pink helmet.
- 'I Know You're in There Somewhere' Fight: When Bailey was possessed by the spirit of Princess Zaria, there was rather short version of this.
- Messy Pig: Inverted with Bailey's pet pig.
- Expy: Dante was pretty much an expy of Stanley from That's So Raven, before his storyline was written out and he disappeared.
- Fake Static: Arwin's cousin Milos tries to do this by crunching paper, but Arwin can see him because they're on a video chat.
- Fanservice: Scenes on the Sky Deck frequently have babes in bikinis in the background. But only in the background. The main characters can't wear bikinis on a Disney show.
- 'Fawlty Towers' Plot: In the episode 'The Defiant Ones', Cody misses a homework assignment due having spent a romantic evening with Bailey the night before. Unable to bear the shame of receiving a single bad grade, he fabricates the excuse that he was caring for Bailey, who'd injured her ankle. This leads to Bailey reluctantly faking an injury, and eventually the entire student body of Seven Seas Highs being drawn into a web of lies that is increasingly complex and ridiculous. It all comes crashing down the next day when Cody misses yet another assignment, having been too busy maintaining the farce.
- Another episode has Zack promise Maya that he'll come to her poem recital even though he has a video game match with Cody Woody and Moseby. His attempts to be in both places ultimately fail, although Maya fully understands that he deserves some time with his friends.
- Feathered Fiend: In 'Mean Chicks', Cody denies a seagull a french fry that Zack attempted to feed him, and spends the rest of the episode trying to escape the bird's wrath.
- Five-Temperament Ensemble: Ms. Tutweiler (melancholic), Cody Martin (melancholic/phlegmatic); Bailey Pickett, Woody Fink and Kirby Morris (phlegmatic); Zack Martin and London Tipton (sanguine/choleric); Marcus Little and Addison (sanguine), Maya Bennett (leukine), and Mr. Moseby (choleric, still not exactly a caricature).
- Though Zack stayed sanguine as always, his choleric side diminished. Because he developed more phlegmatic traits over time, the Polar Opposite Twins have become more similar to one another than they were in the previous series.
- Flanderization: London again. Whether or not her stupidity has been cranked up, because she does have her smart moments.
- Flat-Earth Atheist: The episode 'The Ghost and Mr. Martin' has Cody scoff at the idea that there's a ghost on the ship despite the fact that in the previous series, he and Zack had encountered a woman's ghost at the Tipton hotel. Lampshaded by Zack when he points this out to which Cody dismisses that experience as them being 'hormone-crazed 12-year-old boys seeing women popping out of a lot of places'.
- Foreshadowing: Bailey and Cody broke up, but in the Christmas Special, London gets a glimpse into her future and finds out that Bailey and Cody got married.
- Also Zach tries to take a page out of Cody's 6 month plan to woo Bailey by throwing Maya a kettle corn festival that goes as you'd expect. He gets it right later without really thinking about it when he throws her a secret surprise birthday party.
- Friendly Tickle Torture: A variant of this in 'Can You Dig It?' Zack steals the ancient tiara of the late Princess Zaria and it starts to vibrate an indication of the spirit's reawakening, at which point Zack presses the tiara againt Cody making him giggle.
- Gamer Chick: Maya, as revealed in 'Love and War'.
- Gasshole: Woody, who can perform Stairway to HeavenLe Petomane-style after eating the Mexican buffet.
- Geeky Turn-On: Cody and Bailey tend to revolt others when they coo nerdy facts to each other and Cody often comments 'I love that you know that.'
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Now with its own page.
- Gosh Dang It to Heck!: From the episode 'International Dateline':Bailey: Gosh darnit! Where are all the shrimp?
- G-Rated Drug: In 'The Kidney of the Sea', Zack is accused of stealing his wealthy crush's expensive diamond necklace by said crush's 'boyfriend' who actually framed Zack. The crush's mother immediately jumps to her own theory for a motive.Mrs. Berg: One of the diamonds is missing! He must've sold it to feed his bubblegum habit!
Zack: *takes gum out mouth* I can quit anytime I want. Starting tomorrow. *resumes chewing* - Purple Skinned Space Babe: Emma Tutweiller's alien future Expy.
- Groin Attack: Zack, while attempting to learn croquet in the episode 'Rollin With The Holmies', accidentally hits himself in the groin when he swings his croquet mallet.
- 'Groundhog Day' Loop: One episode had the ship getting stuck in a time loop because of lightning striking it as it crossed the International Dateline. Only Cody notices the problem. He believed it was because that he and Bailey were meant to be together, but realizes the truth when wooing Bailey didn't fix things. The loop is solved when Cody manages to slow down the ship's speed.
- Heartbreak and Ice Cream: London and Ms Tutweiler help Bailey get over her breakup with Cody by doing 'heartbroken stuff', ice cream included.
- Held Back in School: Implied Trope. In On Deck, Miss Tutweiller stated that London won Senior Prom Queen three times. Also, in Life of Zack and Cody, London was in the same class as Maddie at Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow, though is in Zack and Cody's class at Seven Seas High School, despite being years older than them (she was stated to be 15 in the first season of Zack and Cody while the twins were around 12).
- Hidden Depths:
- London on occasion shows this, along with some Obfuscating Stupidity and Deadpan Snarker moments, most noticable during an episode where the main cast got stuck on an island and had to fend for themselves. London, seemingly in shock from the event, thought they were at a beach resort. That is, until they were safely back on the cruise liner and mentioned off hand that it was her way to get out of the manual labor.
- In the Christmas Episode London goes through a Yet Another Christmas Carol plot. This episode reveals that London was a good kid until the bitterness about her dad never being around for christmas (or any other time for that matter) got to her.
- High-School Dance: At least two or three a season.
- Homage:
- The entire episode 'Kidney of the Sea' is a kid-friendly Homage to Titanic (1997).
- In 'I Brake for Whales', some of the characters locked in the wheel room pay homage to Reservoir Dogs with their codenames. Only one is real, one receives a Gender Flip, and two are not characters from the movie.
- Hufflepuff House: The students at Seven Seas High who aren't the main characters, Maya, Woody or Addison. There are some episodes where other characters come out of the shadows and then are never seen again.
- Humans Are Bastards: From the Anvilicious episode 'I Brake for Whales': 'Shame on you, mankind. Shame.'
- Humiliation Conga: Played with in the episode 'Boo You' where Bailey becomes London's target for repeated pranks that get more and more humiliating. After one where she's embarrassed in front of the entire ship, London asks if Bailey 'understands' that she's only doing this for viewers. Bailey replies 'Understand this!' and then grabs the camera they were using to film the prank and throws it onto the deck, smashing it. It's probably the most embarrassing for Bailey because not only does wake up with her bed on the deck in front anybody watching London's show, but she is also wearing a retainer that she wears on her head and pig pajamas with a pink, curly tail on her butt. Ouch.
- Hypno Fool: London gets hypnotized to act more like Bailey. When the hypnotist tried to change her back, he accidentally trances the daughter of the dean from Harvard University.
- Hypocritical Humor: Again, used all the time.
- Idiosyncratic Wipes: For scene transitions between hotel rooms at the Tipton, an elevator wipe is used, complete with floor indicator.
- Idiot Ball: Cody in 'Mean Chicks'. Most people realize how aggressive seagulls are and that they eat human food all the time.
- I'm a Doctor, Not a Placeholder: Moseby wanted to put Zack on permanent detention for detonating a stink bomb in the chemistry lab. Tutweiller's response:
- Incredibly Lame Pun: The title once again, most of the episode titles, and most of Woody's 'jokes'. Also implemented from time-to-time when Moseby is yelling at Zack.
- Informed Attribute: We're told Zack's a bad boy. We've never seen it. Unless you count Zany Schemes.
- Insufferable Genius:
- Cody became one of these after he Took a Level in Jerkass.
- Bailey, while not nearly to the extent as Cody, also has her moments of insufferability.
Miss Tutweiler: Look, not everything is about school and grades and studying!
(Bailey and Cody stare at her in disbelief)
Cody: Exactly where did you get your teaching credentials?
Miss Tutweiler: The University of None-Of-Your-Business!
Bailey: I bet she barely got in. (rolls her eyes)
Cody: Mmm. (smirks and nods) - Insult to Rocks: Bailey compares talking to London to talking to a tractor. Zack promptly replies that it’s an insult to tractors.
- It's Always Mardi Gras in New Orleans: Averted in one episode where it was three months ago.
- Ivy League for Everyone: In the finale, Cody, The Smart Guy, does not get into Yale; however, his equally smart girlfriend, Bailey, does.
- I Want My Belovedto Be Happy: In 'Mulch Ado About Nothing', when Bailey asks him if she should return home, Cody tells her to 'follow her heart.'
- Kavorka Man: Though Zack is still up to his Kidanova hijinks, surprisingly, Woody is no slouch with the ladies, either.
- Ladykiller in Love: Early in Season 3, Zack finds himself developing real feelings for the new girl Maya, to the point where he resolves to change his womanizing ways and take the time to get to know her.
- Love at First Sight: Played with in Cody and Bailey's case. When he first meets her, she's dressed as a boy. Despite that, the two get along and share numerous interests to the point that they're gonna become roommates. However, Zack finds out she's a girl and agrees to keep the secret, but then decides her doesn't want to switch roommates now. When Bailey is exposed, Cody's shock is clearly palpable.
- Lovely Assistant: In one episode, London falls in love with a standup magician but is jealous of his assistant Karina.
- Make Up or Break Up: Cody and Bailey didn't so much end their relationship as put it out of its misery. (And the misery of those around them.)
- Married at Sea: Esteban and Francesca in the episode 'Mother of the Groom'.
- Married to the Job: 'FOR THE LAST TIME, MOTHER...'
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Nerdy Insufferable Genius Cody and TomboyCountry Mouse Bailey. Downplayed because Bailey isn't overly masculine, but due to her upbringing on the farm, she's more physically adept than Cody is, as well as more fond of manual labor. Bonus points for both of them having Gender Blender Names. This trope is especially exemplified in the episode 'Roomies,' where Bailey beats Cody in every typically masculine activity, from throwing darts to basketball.
- The Masochism Tango: Cody and Bailey started out as a sweet couple who were well-matched intellectually and very tolerant and forgiving of one another's faults. As the second season progressed, everything became a competition between them, and they seem to generally bring out the worst in one another.
- Meadow Run: Cody and Bailey sneak out to meet after curfew and run towards each other romantically towards one another in slow motion. However, unlike in romantic movies where the couple ends up kissing, Cody and Bailey accidentally bump into each other the second they make contact.
- Minor Flaw, Major Breakup: Miss Tutwiler refuses to date Mr Moseby after finding out that he doesn't like The Three Stooges.
- Modesty Towel: Cody wears one of these in 'Senior Ditch Day.'
- Mood Whiplash: Fairly frequent, but most noticeable in Cody and Bailey's breakup scene, which has the heart-wrenching drama of their argument and breakup punctuated by the slapstick of being rained on by shoes, and having Zack and Woody land on Cody.
- Morality Pet: Bailey occasionally steps into this role for London.
- Motivational Kiss: Zack gets one from Maddie in 'Maddie On Deck'.
- My Friends... and Zoidberg: Not referring to people, but this exchange from The Suite Life on Deck.Mr. Blanket: Don't worry, there's a sound theraputic remedy.
Zack: And then whatever you've got, right? - My God, What Have I Done?: Cody in 'The Play's the Thing', when he realizes that his play hurt Baliey.
- Never My Fault: After their breakup, Cody has been putting all of the blame for it on Bailey. At least until 'The Play's the Thing'.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Wilfred Tipton would not have known there was piece of prime real estate in Kansas to be had for a mere pittance if Cody hadn't alerted him to the gravity of the situation in Kettlecorn.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: 'I Brake for Whales' has the voice of a marine biologist who is Jacques Cousteau in all but name.
- Not Me This Time:
- In the Crossover with Wizards of Waverly Place, Moseby is convinced that Zack is the one put blue die in the hot tub. When it turns out it was really Alex Russo, Zack tells Moseby to apologize for having accused him. However, Moseby points out that Zack has just confessed to several other pranks and is still grounded.
- When Zack is framed for a jewelery theft, Moseby defends him by listing all of Zack's previous actions before ending his hour-long speech with 'but he is not a thief'. This is technically true, but Zack did try to steal towels from Jesse Mcartney's hotel room in the prequel series.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Recent episodes suggest that London may be exhibiting such.
- The Obi-Wannabe:
- Mr. Blanket, Seven Seas High's guidance counselor, is himself certifiably insane, distracts people when they examine his credentials, and despite having written a book on them, his methods are questionable at best.
- In 'So You Think You Can Date', Cody and Bailey take dating tips respectively from Zack and London. In the end they ruin both their dates because Cody acts too much like a Jerkass and Bailey too much like a Cloudcuckoolander.
- Orphaned Punchline: In the episode 'The Spy Who Shoved Me', Moseby and London, on separate occasions, tell a joke (or perhaps two different jokes with the same punchline) whose punchline is 'Nougat!' Apparently, the guests find it hilarious, leaving the audience to wonder what was so funny.
- Possibly a Brick Joke from 'The Suite Life Goes to Hollywood: Part One' from the parent series in which Moseby attempts to tell the producers of the new show a funny story. This is evidenced by the fact that the delivery of the word 'nougat' is exactly the same.
Moseby: One time we ran out of pillow mints. (Laughs) So instead, we had to use...NOUGAT! - Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: In an episode where the group visits the home of Arthur Conan Doyle, Cody figures out a supposed British resident is actually Belgian, due to him saying 'fries' instead of 'chips', and it is revealed he was the Gentleman Thief who stole the original Sherlock Holmes draft..
- Bailey is an unusual case. At the start of the show, she had a Southern accent (despite being from Kansas.) Over time this accent disappeared completely. It may have been a case of Not Even Bothering with the Accent as Debby Ryan is from the South.
- Parenting the Husband: The episode 'Maddie On Deck' takes an extremely literal example of this, when Maddie has been tricked into marrying an 8-year-old whom Zack must duel to get Maddie out of the engagement. After Zack loses the first round, Maddie invokes the trope.Maddie: (pretending to call her parents) Hey mom, hey dad. Yeah I'm not coming home. I'm spemding the rest of my life raising my husband.
- The Password Is Always 'Swordfish': There was an episode where Cody and Woody were competing to be London's partner in a space travel, and one of their challenges was to write. Cody manages to hack into Woody's computer and change his speech as his password is 'Woody'. He even tells Woody that it's not a good password.
- This acts as Hypocritical Humor as Cody's own password is 'Bailey' and the combination to the safe where he hides his Stalker Shrine to Bailey is the date of his mom's birthday.
- Placebo Effect: In 'Smarticle Particles,' Bailey uses a placebo to raise London's intelligence. Subverted in that after realizing that it's a placebo, London returns to normal. Then Bailey tricks her into takinganotherplacebo.
- The Pigpen: Woody's hygiene, or rather, lack thereof, is the source of many of the series' jokes.
- Ping-Pong Naïveté: London gets this a lot.
- Preppy Name: Several students aside from Zack, Cody, and Bailey. Among them are Holden, Addison, London (obviously), and even Woody whose name is short for Woodrow.
- Pun:
- In the episode where Cody is trying to become international chess champion.Zack:(talking on the radio) I can't read it, it's all in Russian.
Cody:(moves a piece) Check.
Zack: I did check. It's in Russian. - Earlier in the same episode:London: I can't read any of this!
Maya: You can't read it because whoever wrote it was Russian.
London: I don't care how fast they were writing!
- In the episode where Cody is trying to become international chess champion.
- Put on a Bus:
- Bailey briefly left the ship in early Season 3 to return to Kettlecorn.
- Marcus leaves the ship in the aptly named 'Bon Voyage' in Season 3 to star on a Broadway show.
- Real After All: In 'Sea Monster Mash', Cody and Bailey spend the episode searching for the legendary sea monster Galapagos Gurdy. Cody later accepts that the monster might not exist. However, at the end of the episode, a large turtle-like creature pokes its head up near the deck.
- Re-Cut: The original version of 'Graduation on Deck' was about 40 minutes long. Subsequent airings have been cut down to 30.
- Red Shirt: Lampshaded, then spoofed in 'Starship Tipton'. After the main cast goes to the future, they have to change their clothes to blend in.Zack: (dressed in yellow) Man, I like these outfits!
Marcus: (dressed in red) Speak for yourself! The guys in red always get killed! (At which point another guy in red falls out of an airlock into outer space, screaming.)
Marcus: See? - Refuge in Audacity: In 'The Spy Who Shoved Me', Cody admits to Bailey, early on, that he and Zack are working with a spy, but she doesn't believe him.
- At the end of the episode, the red-clad GeorgefriggingTakei suffers the same fate.
- Retcon: Over the entire series, it was clear that Mr. Tipton loved his daughter, London. It was mentioned a few times that she is the sole heir to the Tipton company. Along comes the first episode that Mr. Tipton finally shows himself in (Episode 68), and what happens? Before he makes his appearance, he has to ask London who she is when she calls, ask which daughter she is, and barely remembered her. Nice continuity ya got there.
- In the episode 'Computer Date', London and Woody approach Zack for tutoring... in gym. They both state that they are lacking in fitness and health. It's not hard to see that for Woody, but in the episode 'Dad's Back' of the original Suite Life of Zack and Cody series, London was the one who had to tutor and train Maddie for gym class, using her personal training program, designed around shopping. It is possible that London is just lazy or unable to exercise because of lack of shopping. Even so, there is a gym, so she could use her personal program in that like she did with Maddie.
- Ridiculously Long Phone Hold: Mr. Moseby calls tech support in an episode. He's put on hold overnight and wears a headset so that he can perform his duties on the ship while holding. The call is eventually answered by Zack and Cody, who are visiting a call center while the ship is in port.
- Romantic False Lead: Cody spent the better part of Season One contending with these guys for Bailey's affection.
- Running Gag: Mr. Moseby threatening to throw somebody out the sewage flap.
- Sadly Mythtaken: 'It's All Greek To Me' claims that Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus. Of course, the most well-known story of Aphrodite has her a generation older than Zeus, and her father is technically Uranus, although the way she was conceived is not something they could talk about on Disney Channel. To be fair, there are some later tales that have her as Zeus's daughter.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: London has a certificate saying she can get rid of anyone she wants signed by the president and Congress. In the same episode she wants to be a model so she gets her Daddy to buy the modeling agency.
- Screw Yourself: London is entirely made for this trope. There was even one episode where she was set up with herself on a dating questionaire.
- Sensual Slavs: In the episode 'Das Boots', Cody's opponent in a chess tournament is one Sasha Matryoshka, who's so ridiculously hot that he can't concentrate on his game.
- Series Continuity Error: Though the writers generally have no qualms about ignoring continuityfor the sake of getting laughs, a botched attempt at a Continuity Nod occurs when they refer to Medieval Magic Quest, the MMORPG to which Zack and Moseby became addicted in the parent series...except they refer to it by a completely different name.
- The Series Has Left Reality: The Suite Life of Zack and Cody has a Bizarro Episode when they travel to a parallel dimension. The Suite Life on Deck leaves reality behind with a 'Groundhog Day' Loop, a mummy's curse, and other increasingly strange plots that become part of the characters' daily lives.
- Ship Tease:
- On-going between Moseby and Tutweiller.
- In 'Silent Treatment':
London: Look, Bailey, I know you loved Cody, but... You don't need a boyfriend to be happy! You're young, you're smart, you're pretty, you're not some fifty-something cat lady who's been dumped time and time and time again and that's one ice-cream cup away from a heart attack!
Bailey: London, you called me pretty... And didn't add 'annoying' after it. Do you really think all those things about me?
London: Of course I do! Why do you think we're friends?
Bailey: London, thank you. Boyfriends come and go, but girlfriends are always there for ya.- Zack/London also got its share of teasing before he finally hooked up with Maya.
- Shirtless Scene: Justin Russo of Wizards of Waverly Place gets one in the 'Wizards On Deck with Hannah Montana' crossover.
- So does Cody in 'Senior Ditch Day'.
- Shout-Out:
- From 'The Defiant Ones'.
Ms. Tutweiller: And that's Napoleon Bonaparte. Just give yourself an F right now if you wrote about Napoleon Dynamite.- The name of the episode ('The Defiant Ones') is also a shout-out to the 1958 film that, like the episode, features a white guy and a black guy who hate each other learning mutual respect as a result of being handcuffed together.
- The name of the episode 'The Ghost and Mr.. Martin' is a shout-out to a movie from 1947 named 'The Ghost and Mrs. Muir'.
- The name of the episode 'Model Behavior' comes from a 2000 Disney Channel Original Movie which also starred Kathie Lee Gifford.
- One episode had a few arcade machines displaying Cave Story. Really.
- They were inside Zack's arcade on Better Life even.
- When Ms. Tutweiller is taking attendance in 'Senior Ditch Day', she calls out 'Bueller? ...Bueller?'
- In 'Silent Treatment':
Ms. Tutweiller: Okay, now, did you bring pictures of you and He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named?
London:Voldemort? (looks around worried after saying it)
Bailey: She means Cody.- A very subtle one in 'Starship Tipton': Even though the episode is a Star Trek parody, the transporter effect looks more like an Asgard beam.
- From the episode 'My Oh Maya':
Zack: So Gina, thanks for agreeing to go out with me at the last minute.
Gina: How could I say no? You blast off a 0600 to destroy that asteroid and save the world!- In the Season 3 premiere 'Silent Treatment', Zack mispronounces the name of the author of War and Peace as Leo 'Toy Story'.
- In 'Das Boots', London tries to escape the submarine by tapping her talons together while reciting: 'There's no place like home... There's no place like home...'
- The plot of 'Computer Date' bears some similarity to the plot of the 1999 Disney Channel Movie Smart House.
- Also, her name was CAL and if you listen to many of her lines...
- 2001: A Space Odyssey is directly referenced by Woody early in the episode.
Woody: *to Cody* C'mon, we gotta catch that movie. Y'know, 2001, about that freaky computer that takes over the ship and kills everybody on board?
Callie: That's my favorite movie. Though the beginning was kind of slow.- In 'Party On!' Maya's full name is revealed to be Maya Elizabeth Bennett. It's rather apt, as both girls are attractive, intelligent, and snarky, and both initially rejected the advances of a suitor who was attractive, but way too full of himself.
- In 'A London Carol', a squirrel jumps out of the Christmas tree and attacks Moseby.
- 'Snakes on a Boat':
Moseby: Enough is ENOUGH! I have HAD IT with these *ship's horn blows* SNAKES on my *ship's horn blows* BOAT!- In one episode, a poster in the background depicting an outer-space scene clearly has a TARDIS in it.
- After it's revealed that Ashton stole Violet's necklace and framed Zack for it, he claims he 'would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!'
- In the Twister special, Woody calls the leader of the troop 'Sgt. Pepper'.
- Also from Snakes on a Boat, the music that plays when Cody performs stand-up is the music from Seinfeld, as a reference to Jerry Seinfeld's stand-up sequences.
- 'Splash and Trash' has a couple of shout outs to Splash, besides the episode name.
- 'Ala-ka-scram!' has a few during the air band sequence. Zack and Woody's air band is clearly referencing Guns N' Roses, with their song being a parody of Roses' 'November Rain,' as well as their outfits referencing the band members.
- Six Student Clique:
- The Head — Cody
- The Muscle — Zack
- The Quirk — Woody
- The Pretty One — London
- The Smart One — Bailey
- The Wild One — Marcus and later Maya
- Sleep Mask: London wears one of these.
- Small Town Boredom: Bailey decides to enroll in Seven Seas High to get away from her small town life in Kettle Corn.
- Space Sailing: The Starship Tipton is basically just the S.S. Tipton with warp nacelles and a forcefield to keep the air in.
- The Spock: Cody is this normally, but special mention should be made for when he becomes a full-blown Expy in Starship Tipton.
- Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace:
- Zack waits for this line to save Maddie from her nightmarish wedding by challenging the kid prince to a duel.
- Maddie herself tried to object as well, but the minister adds 'besides you'.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Despite the show being about twins, Cody was the focus of virtually every episode for the first two seasons, Zack only appeared to be a one-joke character. However, the tables turn in Zack's favor as of Season 3.
- Squirrels in My Pants: Twice
- Can You Dig It: Zack is buried up to his neck in an ant hill by a possessed Bailey, and when Cody rescues them, Zak gets out of the ant hill and gives Cody the credit for finding Zaria's crown. Before he goes off screen, he tells Cody that he literally has ants in his pants, along with him shaking his pants and legs trying to get them out
- Snakes On ABoat: Zak and Maya get into a fight about how many girls Zack has been with. Before Maya walks away, there is a scene of a snake going up Zack's pants. During the scene that Maya walks away from Zack, one can see him shaking his leg, oblivious that the snake climbed up his pants. Doubles as a Groin Attack when the snake bites him
- Stalker Shrine: Cody's footlocker contains one dedicated to Bailey.
- Stalker with a Crush: Blanket, towards Emma Tutweiller.
- Cody towards Bailey in Season 1. The whole six month plan is all kinds of creepy.
- Starfish Aliens: The Antareans from the episode 'Starship Tipton' seem more insectoid than humanoid, having four arms, antennae, and nothing that could really be called a face.
- Stealth Pun: In the episode 'When In Rome', Zack mentions cowboy-ghetti, presumably a kid's pasta dish. No one brings up how this makes spaghetti western.
- Stock Ness Monster: Galapagos Gurdy in 'Sea Monster Mash'.
- Stop Drowning and Stand Up: In the first episode, Zack, Cody, London and Bailey are running from an alarm about the ship sinking and seemingly fall overboard. However, they realize that they're actually in a hot tub and that the alarm was just a drill.
- The hot tub is used for this trope again when, after a chase against the jerk who tried to frame him for a jewelery theft, Zack falls into it and begs for help. Zack's Girl of the Week grabs his hand and they embrace in a romantic yet funny 'death' scene parodying the Titanic. Mr. Moseby eventually tells Zack to stand up.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: While checking out babes in the main lobby:Woody: Oh, that one. Cute, blonde, nice legs. And, carrying a textbook. Repressed bookworm badly in need of good time.
Zack: That's Cody!- In Woody's defense, he lost his glasses, and is nearsighted.
- Super Cell Reception: The students, crew, and passengers about the S.S. Tipton all seem to have phones that get reception anywhere in the world (including remote locations in developing countries and at sea), are standard models that aren't at all bulky or complex (as one would expect from a satellite phone with such capabilities), and never incur any sort of roaming charges.
- Survival Mantra: In the episode 'Senior Ditch Day', when Maya is too sick to accompany Zack to the beach club, and he finds himself surrounded by beautiful, exotic woman, he tries to garner strength by chanting 'I do believe in relationships...I do believe in relationships...'
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: An episode features Zack, Cody, Woody,...and Moseby as part of an online game team. The latter's role would have liked been filled by Marcus if he was still around.
- Also, Bailey could be considered this to Maddie. At least early in the show, she filled the role of the poor smart but pretty girl.
- Swallow the Key: In one episode Mr. Blanket, the school's insane Guidance Counselor, handcuffs Moseby and Zack together and swallows the key.
- Take That!: Cody's response in 'Starship Tipton' when he hears Bailey will receive eight Nobels... for peace:
- Considering the fact that the entire Curie family won five Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry for such feats as discovering the elements between Bismuth and Thorium and discovering nuclear transmutation, he should have seen that coming. No single person has ever won more than two Nobel Prizes.
- Just because you don't got a brain doesn't mean you don't got a lot to say. Don't you watch reality TV?
- London's 'your mom needs a hobby' in regards to Bailey's large family (Despite being rewritten) could be one at Kate Gosselin and other reality shows with large families.
- Technician vs. Performer: The brothers strengths fall this way. Cody is an excellent academic, but has poor practical ability. While Zack is the opposite, having difficulty in most of his classes, but is highly gifted when it comes to practical work. For example Cody has shown to be really bad at woodworking and have virtually no outdoor survival skills, which are both fields Zack thrives in.
- That Came Out Wrong: In the second episode, Zack is trying to cheer up Bailey about London running away.Bailey: It's all my fault London left.Zack: No trust me. She hated a lot of things on this boat besides you (Beat) That didn't come out right.
- Tickle Torture: Mr. Blanket has a 'tickling jacket' as one of his methods for therapy. London has to wear it to get over her obsession of insulting people due to a bet she made with Bailey.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tough and physically adept farmgirl Bailey and Rich Bitchfashionista London.
- Tonight, Someone Leaves The Ship: Invoked by the preview commercials for the episode, 'Bon Voyage'. Subverted at the end when no one gets kicked off the ship. The situation then turns into a double subversion when Marcus leaves the ship anyway for other reasons.
- Totally Radical: Invoked deliberately by Emma Tutweiller to promote the 80s dance.
- Trailers Always Spoil: The promo for the Season 3 episode 'My Oh Maya' completely gave away the main plot that Zack would develop real feelings for a girl, and would resolve to change his womanizing ways.
- There was also Bon Voyage, where simply hitting info in the guide would tell you:
- Trash of the Titans: Woody can 'produce' enough gas to create an explosion and to 'teach' Cody to hold his breath for 6 minutes. In the episode 'Splash and Trash', Cody gathered a mountain of trash on the deck to teach a Green AesopMoseby: Right, now take this garbage back to the trash room.
Cody: Trash room? I got this from Under Woody's Bed.
(Moseby look at Woody astonished.)
Woody: (smiling ) I'm Filthy. - Trickster Twins: The eponymous twins.
- Two-Teacher School: One, actually, unless you count Blanket.
- Unlimited Wardrobe: London has a private submarine following the boat with her wardrobe...and a blimp, and a barge, and she still doesn't have enough closet space, which is why she resorts to underhanded tactics such as opening a fake boutique and booking an extra cabin under a false name.
- Unusual Euphemism: 'What the Feathers!?'
- This is looking more like Bailey's Catchphrase.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: Zack.
- [Verb] This!: Bailey does this in 'Boo You' when London and Bailey keep pranking her on London's webshow.Bailey:: Understand this!(Bailey breaks London's camera and leaves in a huff)
- Very Special Episode: 'I Brake For Whales' where the kids lock themselves in the engine room and turn off the boat to prevent it from hitting a pod of endangered blue whales.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: London and Bailey. Type 2.Bailey:(after their graduation) You know, I'm gonna miss you making fun of me all the time.
London: Don't worry, I made you a CD! - Vomit Discretion Shot: Something of a Running Gag. To wit:
- In the episode 'The Wrong Stuff', Woody's off-screen projectile vomiting is implied to be quite profuse when Cody holds up an umbrella at the edge of the frame to protect himself and London, having to reposition the device several times.
- In the episode 'International Dateline', in each iteration of the 'Groundhog Day' Loop, a different person ruins another person's personal affects by vomiting into/onto it:
- Round 1: Bailey vomits into Haggis' hat.
- Round 2: Woody vomits into Addison's purse.
- Round 3: The Romantic False Lead vomits on Bailey's shoes.
- In the episode 'The Spy Who Shoved Me', Smith must manipulate Zack and Cody into doing his bidding, being stuck in the head in Zack's cabin. The noises he makes in there are horrible.
- Even carried over to the Hannah Montana portion of the crossover, in which Robbie Ray spends most of the cruise relegated to the head.
- Happens twice to Zack in the span of three minutes in the episode 'Rock the Kasbah'. Though actually the first time it's not off-screen.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Parodied in the episode 'Starship Tipton', it itself being a parody of Star Trek. All of the background characters, except for London's great x12 grandson, have odd hairstyles and colors, including Zerg, Zack's identical descendant, who has blue hair in the style of a Roman helmet.
- You Meddling Kids: The obnoxious socialite Ashton delivers the classic line almost verbatim in 'Kidney of the Sea' when Ivana literally sniffs out evidence that he had tried to frame Zack for stealing the eponymous necklace.
- Always Second Best: Dr. Olsen's motivation for creating the Gemini Project. Zack sympathizes.
- Assimilation Plot: To a certain extent. In fact, Dr. Olsen wants to merge twins together into a single entity once they have bonded well enough. He appearently wants to end suffering from differences in individuals the world over, but primarily he aims to end his suffering from being the 'inferior' twin to Dr. Spaulding.
- Berserk Button: Cody presses Zack's the movie when he says this:Cody: Well, I may not be interesting, but at least I have a car!
(Zack then begins to scream his head off as he tries to beat Cody to a pulp) - Big Bad: Ronald Olsen.
- Broken Aesop: Zack and Cody are saved from merging together into one personality and joining the twin hive mind by arguing with one another. They are essentially saved by the power of how much they can't stand each other.
- One could argue that they were intended to be saved by the power of individuality, but, being a Broken Aesop, it came across as above.
- Canon Discontinuity: Zack's girlfriend Maya is never mentioned, and he is back to his old self.
- Cody and Bailey also act like they've never broken up.
- The movie takes place during the final semester break before graduation... which would put it in direct conflict with the events of the 'Twister' three-part story arc.
- Creepy Twins: Some of the twins partaking in the Gemini project are rather... peculiar. They act and often talk perfectly in synch. Turns out this derives from the first three stages of the Gemini project: a physical connection with the twins sharing the same sensations, an emotional connection with the twins feeling empathy, and the twins become almost exactly alike (i.e. copying each other's sentences perfectly.)
- Darker and Edgier: Zack and Cody's lives are actually in great danger in this film.
- Department of Redundancy Department: Hurting each other, hurts each other.
- Dramatic Unmask: Dr. Olsen finally captured Zack and Cody in the climax and was just about to merge them together. However, before he does, he violentally tears off his face revealing that he is really Dr. Spaulding twin's brother.
- Hive Mind Dr. Olsen merges together a set of twins into a single personality and eventually creates a give mind.
- Hot Scientist/The Vamp: Kellie and her twin Nellie, who discreetly goad Zack to ride the submarine that helps cause destruction and get Cody kicked out of his first internship with Dr. Spaulding, and later, convince Zack to not leave the Gemini Project. Of course they are doing it under Dr. Olsen specifically under Dr. Olsen's orders.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Just after Zack and Cody find out about the merge and hive mind.Dr. Olsen: Well, well, well... well
Zack: That's a really deep well. - Latex Perfection: Multiple times during a flashback montage.
- To clarify, Dr. Olsen disguised himself as a janitor to easily infiltrate Dr. Spaulding's facility and steal his research, and most importantly to conceal the fact that he is Dr. Spaulding's twin brother.
- Shout-Out: Dr. Olsen is obviously named for the Olsen Twins.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Bailey after learning that Cody is planning on doing an internship rather than go with her on spring break. She finally comes back to her senses after she realizes Cody wanted to join Yale.
- Synchronization: The plot. The two are so at odds with each other that it is effectively Chained Heat.
- Woman Scorned: Holy cow, Bailey. After hearing Cody would rather do an internship over Spring Break than be with her, she begins to ignore him after a bout of fury, even going as far to 'delete' him. After learning he was trying to earn a scholarship to Yale, she softens up and reconciles with him.
Alternative Title(s):The Suite Life On Deck, The Suite Life Movie
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Top row: Zack, Cody.
Middle row: Arwin, Esteban.
Bottom row: Carey, London, Maddie, Moseby.
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody (2005-2008) is a Disney ChannelKid Com about a couple of twins named Zack and Cody Martin (played by twins Dylan and Cole Sprouse, respectively) who live in The Tipton, a hotel in Boston. Their divorced mom Carey is a singer at the hotel who has a secret admirer in a rather dorky janitor named Arwin. Also at the hotel are two teenage girls, London, the moronic heiress to the hotel chain, and Maddie Fitzpatrick, a candy-counter girl who struggles to make sure she completes school as well as juggling very degrading jobs. The hotel is run by Mr. Moseby, who rarely tolerates the twins' antics. It was chronologically the second series in the Disney Channel Live-Action Universe.
After the show ended in 2008, it continued with a sequel called The Suite Life on Deck, putting half of the cast on a luxury liner to attend the onboard Seven Seas High School, with other original characters visiting on occasion. It also added Bailey Pickett (who basically replaced Maddie), a smart girl from a small Kansas farm often made fun of by London (and serves as Cody's Love Interest); Woody, a clumsy but well-meaning (and disgusting) classmate made fun of by everyone and Mrs. Emma Tutweiler, one of the teachers at Seven Seas High made fun of by her own students (and eventually Mr. Moseby's Love Interest). Meanwhile, reruns of the original show have popped up on Disney XD. Both series also participated in massive Crossover events with other shows on the channel: Suite Life of Zack and Cody had That's So Suite Life of Hannah Montana and On Deck had Wizards On Deck with Hannah Montana. I'm in the Band also has a crossover episode with On Deck (unlike the others, this consisted of only a single episode that aired as a part of I'm In The Band only).
After 3 seasons, On Deck ended in 2011 with the twins and the rest of the Seven Seas High students celebrating their graduation. The same year, The Suite Life Movie was released as a Big Damn Moviewith a surprisingly dramatic plot rooted in Science Fiction.
If the original series and the sequel are counted as a single series, it's had the longest original run of any series on the Disney Channel, at six seasons and 162 episodes total (though by sheer episode count and total number of calendar years on the air, it is surpassed only by Phineas and Ferb).
Now has its own Getting Crap Past The Radar page and character page
- Acquainted In Real Life: In one episode, Zack is surprised to discover that his MMORPG partner is Mr. Moseby.
- Answer Cut: This happens many times in the series.
- Asian Airhead: London is the Trope Codifier and Trope Namer of Type 1 ('The Tipton'). She's played by Brenda Song, the standard girl for this role.
- Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: London gets easily distracted by things she desires a few times, such as jewelery.
- Beauty Contest: This occurs in both of Suite Life series. First in the second original episode 'Fearest of Them All' where Cody accidentally entered a beauty pageant while dressed as a girl. Second in the Suite Life On Deck when Zack Marcus and Woody lie about a beauty pageant to meet girls. However, Moseby catches them and forces to throw a real beauty pageant as punishment as well as appointing them as judges if the contest (the latter episode doubles as a Fake-Real Turn).
- Characterization Marches On: London was initially portrayed as a shallow Rich Bitch, before adopting her ditzy qualities. She also got softened to sometimes become more Innocently Insensitive than actually mean-spirited.
- Cool-Kid-and-Loser Friendship: Zack is the popular Kid A Nova and Cody is the unpopular dork. London and Maddie count as well since London is a Rich Bitch (though lovable) and Maddie is more academic oriented and less popular. London and Bailey from On Deck count too, as London is the Lovable Alpha Bitch to Bailey's Adorkable nerd.
- City Mouse: London.
- Crossover: That's So Suite Life of Hannah Montana for the first show.
- Wizards On Deck with Hannah Montana for the second show.
- Also the I'm in the Band episode 'Weasels on Deck'.
- Demoted to Extra: Since On Deck involved a small portion of the original cast being shipped off (pun unintended) to the S.S. Tipton, former main characters Maddie and Carey only appeared as guest stars and most of the recurring characters from the original show were Brother Chucked sans Kurt, Esteban, Arwin, Barbara, and Bob. In Maddie's case, however, this demotion may be justified, given the fact she was about three years older than the twins, which would make her a college student.
- Early Installment Weirdness: The episode 'Grounded On The 23rd Floor' aired as the fifth in the first season but was the first shot. As such it has several differences from the main series. Maddie has brown hair and a completely different uniform, London is far meaner and smarter than she would be in the main series, and the furniture in the Martins' suite is different. The episode also features a character called Tuck who looked as if he would have been a love interest for Maddie, but does not appear afterwards.
- Designated Villain: Mr. Moseby is portrayed antagonistic towards the twins for punishing them whenever they run around treating the hotel like their personal playground, when in reality he is just doing his job to keep the hotel clean and secure from all trouble. It gets even worse when an episode has the twins wish themselves to be superheroes with Moseby as the supervillain.
- Fake Guest Star:
- Although, he wasn't a main cast member, Adrian R'Mante (Esteban) appeared in a good majority of the original series' episodes, and qualifies for this trope.
- Matthew Timmons (Woody), who appeared in most of On Deck, never got anything more than a guest star credit either. The odd case here is that, when Doc Shaw (Marcus) showed up midway in the second season, he automatically got star billing, even though the two play comparable roles. Timmons is, however, credited as main cast member in The Suite Life Movie.
- Flanderization:
- London's stupidity ('Walk, chew, walk, chew... breathe!'). They also seem to have removed her VOLUME CONTROL.
- Zack has also went from being Book Dumb to borderline Too Dumb to Live. While already not themostlikeable character by the spin-off, some of Zack's actions in the movie required to jump start the plot really go above and beyond.
- Cody's dorkiness. They turned him from a dorky kid who attended math camp, took notes on virtually everything the teacher said, and apparently took a full Advanced Placement load in high school, into an impossible genius: Various On Deck episodes reveal that he has written three cookbooks, a novel and an opera, that he has a patent, that he spent years translating ancient hieroglyphs as a personal side project, was building model molecules out of juice boxes in nursery school, and cut his own umbilical cord.
- Maddie's rudeness to London (Perhaps the Sharpay sunk in?)
- Arwin's living-with-his-mom-ness ('Mother! Throw me the house keys!') In one episode, this Flanderization comes to a peak when Zack and Cody get him to make the place his own after his mother moved out. Since then, this aspect of the character was dropped.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In a subversion of the Rich Bitch trope, London gives every indication of being a genuinely good-natured person who simply doesn't understand that you're not supposed to treat people the way she does.
- For all of his frustrations at the twins' antics, Mr. Moseby does show that he cares about them.
- Karma Houdini:
- Muriel often gets away with petty theft. She's also seen numerous times lounging around during work hours. Once when she interrupted a date, London asked her 'Aren't you supposed to be working?' Muriel's response - 'What's your point?'
- A more extreme example would be Mr. Tipton. See Screw the Rules, I Have Money!.
- London in 'Boo You'. She makes fun of Bailey's clothing and shows it off on her webshow. No punishment for international mocking whatsoever.
- 'L' Is for 'Dyslexia': Bob, as revealed in his debut appearance.
- No Respect Guy: Maddie and Mr. Moseby. The latter's lack of respect even carries over to Suite Life on Deck.
- Not a Date: This happens to Zack twice in both series. First in the original series episode 'French 101' where he asks Bob to help him sabotage Cody's date with a hot French girl, although Bob keeps misinterpreting that he and Zack are on a date. Second in On Deck when Zack wins a cupon to a restaurant that expires early (preventing from taking his girlfriend Maya, who is temporarily away for the weekend) and takes Woody instead, telling him that it isn't a date.
- Rich Bitch: When she's not sweet, London is extremely mean and nasty to most people and takes sadistic glee in hurting them. This is most evident in the Spin-Off's episode Mean Chicks when she has something done so it hurts when she insults Bailey after winning a bet. After she wins the bet she insults Bailey a million times despite it hurting her, at the beginning declaring that it's Worth It. (It's done with good intentions though,since Bailey doesn't have 1 million dollars to pay for the bet,London decides to make her pay by insulting her for one million times instead).
- Rich in Dollars, Poor in Sense: Poor London. The later seasons make this a lot worse.
- Screams Like a Little Girl: Moseby, when startled, which he gets quite easily.
- Cody too, and age has not stopped this trope for him.
- Shoddy Shindig: In the episode 'Not So Suite 16', Maddie's birthday party plan was scrapped because her brother needed braces, so the only people who showed up were Zack, her family, and some bingo players. London meanwhile was having a giant, elaborate party at the Tipton, which, though an enjoyable time for all of the guests, was a mess for her due to her parents fighting and the amount of party crashers.
- Spoiled Brat: London Tipton. She used to be Spoiled Sweet, until the absence of her father among other things changed her.
- Twin Telepathy: Subverted at least twice. Once Zack claimed that Cody broke his arm and he sensed it, until Carey points out that he was the one who fell on Cody and broke it. Another time, they believe a dream about finding an Alternate Universe was caused by this, but it is revealed to the audience to have been Real After All when Carey finds a coin from the alternate reality in their jeans pocket.
- Played straight in the movie as it's the first step to the Big Bad's evil plan.
- Two Lines, No Waiting: Zack and Cody in the A-plot; the girls in the B-plot.
- [Verb] This!: Used twice in both Suite Life series. First, Zack says 'Schnitzel this' to mock Ilsa's brutal team member. Later, Bailey uses it after being embarrassed by London on her webshow ('Understand This!'), followed by smashing the camera.
- Visit by Divorced Dad: Kurt visited the twins a few times by himself in the first show and a couple of times with his ex-wife on the second.
- Abhorrent Admirer: The twins have, on separate occasions, and despite their best efforts, attracted the affections of Agnes.
- Absentee Actor: London was missing from 2 episodes: 'Have a Nice Trip' and 'Birdman of Boston' while Maddie is absent in 12 episodes.
- Absurdly Long Limousine: One episode had London mentioning that she has a fleet of limousines so long that they can't turn corners. If she is traveling a route that goes around corners she needs to get out of one limo and into another.
- The Ace: Max is a great dancer, basketball player, and bass player
- Accidental Hand Hold: In 'Kisses & Basketball', Zack and Max reach for the same slice of cake and their hands touch.
- Accidental Kiss: While the team is celebrating their victory, Max accidentally kisses Zack. Carey does the same to Arwin at the end of the episode.
- Also occurs in the episode 'Tale of The Two Houses' when Zack and Barbara accidentally kiss in the dark mistaking each other for their respective dates.
- Adorkable: Cody Martin.
- Aesop Amnesia: In Stalker with a Crush Agnes' first episode, she learns the lesson that you can't cling and stalk and force someone into liking you, and if she hadn't come on so strong she might've had a chance at a least a friendship with Zack or Cody. In every other appearance, she's right back to stalking and crushing, although the twins generally treat her as a somewhat creepy friend rather than someone to run away from.
- Amicable Exes: Zack and Cody's parents are on good terms.
- Air-Vent Passageway: A frequent component of the twins' more devious schemes.
- All Just a Dream: The events of the Wish Upon A Star crossover episode 'Super Twins' was revealed to be Zack's dream.
- Alpha Bitch: London, before she became nicer and a complete idiot. Dana, the head cheerleader at Cheevers High, is perhaps a straighter example.
- Always Identical Twins: Subverted in one episode where they had a twin convention at the hotel. London hooks up with a hot guy and Maddie gets paired with his twin. To Maddie's dismay, the twins are fraternal and her date is much less hotter and a complete know-it-all.
- Animal Gender-Bender: London Tipton's pet dog, Ivana, is played by a male dog.
- Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?: From the 'Suite Smell of Excess':Zack Martin: Chihuahuas have freakishly large ears?
- Asian and Nerdy: Barbara, Cody's girlfriend.
- Attractive Bent-Gender: A few episodes had either Zack and/or Cody in a dress. And they did look pretty convincing. This example might be considered a surprising allusion for a Disney show to a previous role played by the Sprouse twins in The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things.
- Away in a Manger: The Christmas Episode featured a couple named Mary and Joseph, and Mary gave birth in the Tipton elevator on Christmas Eve. And since the show takes place in a hotel, there was 'no room at the inn'. Everyone noticed the coincidence and hung a lampshade on it, except for London who didn't get it.Cody: Isn't this weird? Mary and Joseph are traveling together...
Zack: On Christmas Eve...
Maddie: And there's no room for them in the inn...
Arwin: And a child is born.
Esteban: What a coincidence!
London: I don't get it. - Be Careful What You Wish For: In the Wish Upon A Star special episode 'Super Twins', Zack and Cody see a falling star and wish for superpowers. The next morning, their wish is granted and they become superheroes. However, they realize at the end of the episode that it's too much hard work and race back in time to undo the wish.
- While technically not a wish, the boys use a dimension-teleporter created by Arwin in 'The Suite Smell of Success' to travel to a Mirror Universe where there are no rules and they are free to do whatever they want. However, they soon grow tired of it and decide that the alternate Tipton isn't the ideal place for them.
- Belly Dancer: Maddie performs as a belly dancer in place of a real, professional one in 'Aptitude'.
- The B Grade: In the episode where Cody is forced to take Wood Shop due to picking an elective that not even the teacher showed up to, it's revealed that he has extremely unrealistic ideas of what will happen to him if he doesn't ace every class. In a nightmare sequence he's made to be the janitor of a 'Big Snooty Ivy League College' due to not acing Wood Shop. As he hysterically claims to his mom when she thinks he's putting too much pressure on himself:Cody: I'm not putting too much pressure on me! Harvard is putting too much pressure on me! Yale is putting too much pressure on me! Princeton! Stanford! MIT! If I don't ace Wood Shop, I'm going to end up as one of those guys who sells hot dogs and sleeps in a taxi!
- Bi the Way: Zack’s and Cody’s friend Bob, who keeps mistaking Zack’s requests to help him with a Zany Scheme in ‘French 101’ for dates, but winds up dating the Girl of the Week by the end of the episode.
- Black Widow: Miss Klotz, Moseby's predecessor as Cruise Director of the S.S. Tipton, from the episode 'Let Us Entertain You':Carey Martin: You're a heartless woman.
Miss Klotz: Didn't bother me when my four ex-husbands said it; doesn't bother me when you say it.
Carey Martin: You've been divorced four times?
Miss Klotz: Oh, no, no, widowed. - Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Maddie, London, and Carey in later seasons.
- Bluffing the Authorities: In the episode 'Cody Goes to Camp', when London is driving slowly with Zack, Maddie, and Muriel on the interstate, they get pulled over by a cop and is given a warning because London is still learning how to drive. But when Muriel starts driving really fast and they get pulled over by the same cop, Muriel and London makes up the excuse that Zack recently ate some bad chili cheese dogs and he needs to go to the hospital which the cop believes because this happened before.
- Book Dumb: Zack. London was this before her Flanderization into a total ditz.
- Born in an Elevator: The Christmas Episode.
- The Brainless Beauty: London, Mark's girlfriend in the episode 'A Tale of Two Houses'. London's sweet but dull-witted friend Chelsea Brimmer also qualifies.
- Brawn Hilda: In the bowling episode. Played by Aunt Hilda.
- Broke Episode: 'Poor Little Rich Girl' where London has all her belongings and room repossessed by the bank when her father invested too much money in an alleged diamond cave that didn't turn out to have any diamonds and she gets forced to move in with Maddie. Matter of fact, she's lucky to have Maddie as Maddie at first tried to lie to London she doesn't have any available rooms but Moseby rats out Maddie bragged her sister moved out some time ago.
- Broken Aesop / Jerkass Has a Point: In one episode, Mr. Tipton's latest wife, Brandi, visits the hotel and tries play an active role in London's life, annoying her to no end. Eventually, London get fed up with Brandi and tells her that she isn't a parent to her, just another Trophy Wife her father will just divorce, hurting Brandi's feelings. While the two make up by the end of the episode, Brandi is never seen or mentioned again and Mr. Tipton was said to have remarried many more times.
- Broken Treasure: In one episode, London borrows and accidentally loses Maddie's grand grandmother brooch in a restaurant. Maddie is furious. Instead of searching for it, London buys a replacement brooch, 'with real emeralds instead of green glass'. Maddie is even angrier because 'this brooch has no sentimental value'. At the end of the episode, the real brooch is found by a Bag Man after London searched the restaurant trash bins (in 'so last season Arturo Vitalli' clothes, no less!)
- Brought Home the Wrong Kid: Carey gives us this little anecdote.Carey: I was mad when you came home from the playground with the wrong twins.
Kurt: It was an honest mistake.
Carey: They were girls! - But for Me, It Was Tuesday: In the episode, 'Not So Suite 16,' when Maddie finds out that London's 16th birthday party is on the same day as hers:Maddie: (learning London has planned to hold her own sweet-sixteen party on Maddie's sixteenth birthday) This isn't fair! Your birthday was six months ago!
London: So? I can have my party whenever I want.
Maddie: I seem to recall, for your actual birthday, you took a cruise around the Mediterranean. What do you call that?
London: Tuesday. - Butt-Monkey: Moseby. Also, Cody, thanks to Zack.
- Maddie, at times.
- Catchphrase: London's 'Yay me!' and Moseby's 'Oh very well.'
- Estaban has two: 'Oh, Mr. Moseby!' and 'This is a disaster!'
- Celebrity Paradox: Maddie (played by Ashley Tisdale) auditions for the part of Sharpay in a school play based on High School Musical (who was also played by Ashley Tisdale). She claims all her friends say she looks the part, but no one else sees it.
- Christmas Episode: 'Christmas at the Tipton'.
- Clip Show/Whole Episode Flashback: The final episode has the cast having flashbacks to previous episodes as they prepare for Mr. Tipton's arrival.
- Code Name: Zack and Cody use code names when pulling off some of their more elaborate pranks. Usually Zack picks the code names and gives Cody an embarrassing one and himself a flattering one, such as 'Better Looking Twin'. This does, however, lead to a Beware the Nice Ones moment in one episode. After Cody was stung on the nose by a bee, Zack gives him the code name 'Red Schnoz', then asks him if he's ready. Cody glares at him and says 'I'm ready, Soon-To-Be-Fat-Lip!'
- Continuity Nod: In the episode 'Hotel Inspector', Moseby is seen building a model of the Tipton in his apartment. Later in the episode 'Risk It All', the same model can be seen briefly in Moseby's office.
- Cody mentions being in a beauty Pageant in The Suite Life on Deck. That happened alllll the way back in the second episode of season 1 in the original Suite Life.
- Comically Missing the Point:
- In their review of Pride and Prejudice, London and her book club identify with Caroline Bingley and lambaste Darcy for 'marrying beneath him'.
- The twins once enlisted Arwin's assistance in removing the parental controls on their mature-rated video game. Arwin did so, but also removed all of the violence and gore.
- Contrived Clumsiness: One episode entirely revolves around the Tipton hotel staff competing to be Employee of the Month and win a free trip, and start sabotaging each other, including one instance where Maddie's cart breaks spilling candy everywhere. Patrick, the hotel restaurant waiter, denies doing anything to sabotage another employee and (looking down to see where his feet (in the middle of the spilled candy) are positioned) starts stomping on the candy while screaming 'NEVER!!! NEVER!!! NEVER!!!' Maddie, being one of the only sane employees, isn't fooled.
- Cross-Dressing Voices: In one episode, Zack calls the school he and Cody go to and 'disguises' his voice as his mom's, when it's obvious that they taped his mom's voice for this scene and he is just lipsyncing.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: London sometimes. Seriously. She works out, and turns into a volleyball fiend if sufficiently pissed off.
- Curves in All the Right Places: Parodied, in one episode, after Maddie tries to gain weight for a fashion show, another model tells her that she did not gain curves in the right places.
- Deadpan Snarker: This is a Disney Sitcom. Everyone fits this trope, but Maddie and Carey are the most prolific snarkers.
- Delivery Not Desired: Maddie writes an insulting email to Mr. Moseby to vent her frustrations about his treatment of her. London accidentally sends it, and the group tries to break into Mr. Moseby's office to delete it before he reads it. They delete the email, but Mr. Moseby has already read it on his smartphone.
- Derailed for Details: In an episode, Maddie is directing a student film with the help of the dim lifeguard, Lance, who plays the role of the wealthy male lead.Lance: Rich who?Lance: So I'm rich, and my name is Rich?Lance: What's my name then?Lance: Then why can't it be Rich?
- Diet Episode: 'Health and Fitness' has Carey force Zack to go on a diet when she catches him eat too much sugar and Chef Paolo asks Cody to help him diet when the former's cholesterol test revealed bacon bits. London also goes on a crash diet after being fooled by a funhouse mirror.
- Disguised in Drag: Cody does this in The Fairest of Them All when he competes (accidentally at first and unwillingly) in a beauty pageant. Zack does this later in the episode, when Cody decides he wants to throw the competition for another beauty pageant contestant who he had a crush on.
- Distaff Counterpart: Jessica and Janice exist as female identical twins and date Zack and Cody a few times. Though they didn't get much development until Suite Life On Deck.
- Also Max to Zack early in Season One.
- The Ditz: London, due to Flanderization.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: London, who is dressed as a mermaid, is trading insults with a similarly dressed girl who tells her, 'Well at least my seashells aren't fake!' Think about it and it should come to you.
- Dogged Nice Guy: Zack toward Maddie.
- Don't Explain the Joke: Max embarrassed herself repeatedly during student body presidential elections by trying to get people to laugh at her burns against Cody by explaining them.
- The Eeyore: Haley.
- Egg Sitting: The doll London and Maddie have to take care of for an episode.
- '80s Hair: Moseby explains the arrangement of photos on his office wall in 'Risk It All':Moseby: And by the way, it's afro, Jheri curl, thenfade.
- Election Day Episode: Zack and Cody ran against each other for student council. Cody wanted the position because he loves politics and wanted to make a difference, while Zack wanted a free trip to Washington that came with the job. After Zack teams up with London to buy the election, it becomes a contest over who can be the most showy.
- Facepalm: Maddie did this quite a bit during her stint as producer of Yay Me!
- Fat and Skinny: In the later episodes, Zack is slightly shorter and chubbier than Cody, who is slightly taller and more slender
- Fate Worse than Death: From 'Let Us Entertain You':Cody: Let's go to the Pawtucket Aquarium. I hear they just opened their Swim With the Jellyfish attraction. They won't sting you if you cover yourself in whale urine.
Zack: I'd rather get stung! - Feigning Intelligence: London hires Maddie to help her pull Playing Cyrano on a hot merit scholar, Trevor. The plan backfires when Maddie can't restrain herself from getting into a debate over politics with him, culminating in a Slap-Slap-Kiss. Fortunately, London seems more confused than hurt.
- Financial Test of Friendship: Mr Tipton invests all of his money in a diamond mine that doesn't have any diamonds. When London's presidential suite and her valuable assets are seized by the bank as partial payment of the debt incurred, Maddie invites London to stay with her family. At the end of the episode, the mine yields a massive oil reserve and the Tipton fortune is restored.
- Flamboyant Gay: Maitre d' Patrick (as is the actor who plays him). This caused a hilarious reference in one later episode when Carey does a dead-on impression of him.
- Five-Temperament Ensemble: Carey Martin and Lance Fishman (the phlegmatics), Cody Martin(melancholic/phlegmatic), Arwin Hawkhouser (melancholic with a touch of sanguine), Kurt Martin, Zack Martin, and London Tipton (sanguine/choleric), Esteban Ramirez (sanguine), Maddie Fitzpatrick (leukine), and Mr. Moseby (choleric, though not always the typical sitcom caricature).
- Follow the Leader: The popularity of iCarly led to the development of London's webshow Yay Me!
- Freudian Excuse: Whenever someone calls London on her antisocial behavior, she cites her father's poor example.
- 'Friends' Rent Control: Played with. In the first episode, Carey mentions that she gets free room and board as part of her contract with Mr. Moseby.
- Funny Foreigner: Esteban. And Ilsa Shickelgrubermeiger-Von Helsing der Keppelugerhofer.
- G-Rated Drug: Medieval Magic Quest, an MMORPG to which Zack and Moseby become addicted, to the detriment of their work and social lives. They even attend a 12-step program.
- Genius Ditz: Arwin. And surprisingly, London when it comes to playing Chess.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Now with its own page.
- Glass-Shattering Sound: The result of London's singing lessons.
- Go-to-Sleep Ending: After finally succeeding at curing London of her insomnia, Mr. Moseby, Maddie, and Esteban all end up falling asleep on London's bed.
- Group Hug: In 'Team Tipton'. Maddie, Zack, Cody, Esteban and Arwin have one, mostly to give Maddie more body heat to help her thaw out from her trip to Antarctica.Arwin: Ooh group hug! I love group hugs! Especially with other people! [old lady walks by]
Maddie: Hey lady! Come on, I could really use the heat. [lady walks away] After her! [whole hugging group walks together following the lady]
Arwin: Wow! She's fast! - Grumpy Bear: Mr. Moseby.
- Halloween Episode: 'The Ghost of Suite 613' and 'Arwinstein'
- Handsome Lech: Kurt Martin.
- Hollywood Pudgy: Parodied when London and Maddie were led to believe they were too fat and too thin respectively. Brenda Song and Ashley Tisdale were quite thin at the time, but not dangerously so; London could have endangered her health with a crash diet and compulsive exercise, while Maddie had no reason to binge and could have set herself on the path to obesity. Fortunately Moseby talked some sense into them, telling them what anyone who isn't brainwashed by this trope (and its inverse) already knew: they're both gorgeous and don't need other people to tell them what to look like.
- Holding Both Sides of the Conversation: Attempted in an early episode, where one twin has to convince the babysitter they're both in the bathroom while the other sneaks off.
- Homage: In one episode Cody moves into the closet in their suite. Later on there is a scene where there is a ton of people in there, this scene's blocking is copied almost exactly from a scene the Marx Brother's film 'A Night at the Opera.'
- Hormone-Addled Teenager: Most of the young cast.
- Hotel Hellions: Provides the page picture.
- Humiliating Wager: The twins enter a bet at the local supermarket they work at against a rival market, claiming that they were the better bag boys. Ultimately, they lose, and the twins and their boss have to work an entire shift in dresses.
- Hypocritical Humor: Used all the time.
- Identical Twin ID Tags: Cody tries to make one by dying his hair.
- Identical Twin Mistake: Downplayed. For the most part, the twins manage to avoid this trope, but one episode has them doubt their identities when they see a video of their mother getting them confused when they were newborn babies.
- I Ate WHAT?!: Occurs where Lance, a lifeguard who enjoys anything from the water, was eating some caviar that one of London's friends gives him but when he finds out what it really was, he immediately spits it out.
- If I Were a Rich Man: Zack fantasizes about this on the episode when they take an Inept Aptitude Test. Zack (the slacker doofus) gets the result of 'millionaire'. Cody (the studious dork) gets 'custodial engineer'. Cody's even in the fantasy to sweep up...
- In the treasure hunt episode, everyone in the main cast has one. Zack imagines that he's married to Maddie and has his own private arcade, Cody imagines winning the Nobel Prize in every subject (plus baking), Maddie imagines becoming the president, Esteban imagines becoming manager of the Tipton Hotel and making London a bellhop, and London... imagines it to be just like her life is right now, as she's already filthy rich.
- Imaginethe Audience Naked: Carey suggests this to Cody for his big speech, and Cody makes a sarcastic quip when Zack literally shows up in his underwear.
- Inept Aptitude Test: In one episode, an aptitude test says that Zack will become a CEO, and that Cody will become a janitor.
- Informed Flaw: In 'Rumors', Cody complains about people confusing him and Zack when in reality, not very many people confuse the two to each other, and when some people do, it's before they meet the twins together.
- Informed Poverty: Maddie constantly complains about being poor as dirt, but when you actually get to see the apartment that her family lives in, it's not bad at all. Likely supposed to be seen as poor because she's being compared to her crazy-rich friend who constantly goes on shopping sprees, while Maddie *gasps* has to work to get luxuries.
- Innocent Innuendo: From the episode 'The Prince & the Plunger':Arwin: So I was leaning over a toilet, plunging... in and out, in and out, in and out...
- Inspirationally Disadvantaged: Zack and Cody's wheelchair-bound friend Jamie. One episode was dedicated to Zack and Cody trying to help Jamie to rediscover his love of basketball.
- Instant Birth: Just Add Water!: A couple had this in the Christmas Episode, a shout out to the birth of Jesus Christ. The cast even points out all the similarities:Cody: Isn't this weird? Mary and Joseph are traveling together...
Zack: On Christmas Eve...
Maddie: And there's no room for them in the inn...
Arwin: And a child is born.
Esteban: What a coincidence!
London: I don't get it. - Inter-Class Romance:
- In one episode Maddie falls for a rich guy and attempts to look and act rich so he will like her.
- In another episode, London falls for a delivery boy, and seeks Maddie's counsel on how to act poor.
- Carey once dated a billionaire and he was even going to ask for her hand in marriage. She politely declined.
- It's Fake Fur, It's Fine: In one episode, London, acting as an animal-loving celebrity, attracts the rage of a local animal rights group after Maddie lets it slip to a reporter that London has 'fox furs' in her wardrobe. It is later revealed that it was a misunderstanding; London's furs are fake but she thinks that 'faux' (which rhymes dough) is pronounced fox.
- I Was Quite a Looker / Identical Kiosk Girl That's Not Related To Me In the Slightest: In her younger years, Muriel was played by Ashley Tisdale.
- Jerkass: A lot of one-shot characters in opposition to the main cast are this, being insulting, demeaning, or just plain rude. Zack and London also have their moments with this.
- Jerkass Has a Point: In 'Hotel Inspector', Ilsa doesn't spare Mr. Moseby a harsh word about how disorderly his hotel was at the time.
- Jewish and Nerdy: Barbara, Cody's girlfriend.
- Kick the Dog: Zack and London do this a lot, though one of Zack's more notorious examples is when he caused a French girl that liked Cody to break up with him because he couldn't believe that a girl would like Cody voluntarily.
- Ilsa Shickelgrubermeiger-Von Helsing der Keppelugerhofer seems to do almost nothing but this in all three of her appearances.
- Kid-anova: Zack, though to be fair, his attempts failed just as often as they succeeded.
- Kids Shouldn't Watch Horror Films: The twins take their dates not to see the kiddie film Doggie Came Home but the horror film Zombie Mom. Zack ends up having nightmares and sleepwalking in the hotel, stacking the lobby furniture against the door to stop the zombies.
- Kirk's Rock: Appears in a prehistoric setting when the twins travel a bit too far back in time.
- Kiss of Life:
- In the episode 'Rumors', London walks in on Maddie and London thinking they were kissing in the staff lounge, but Lance was actually teaching Maddie mouth-to-mouth resucitation.
- When London keeps asking the employees for 'help', Lance immediately starts forcefully giving her resucitation (despite the fact that she isn't even drowning) causing her to leave in disgust. And in a Brick Joke, he does it again to Moseby seconds later.
- A later episode has London trick Lance into kissing her this way after falling in love with him.
- Kitsch Collection: Arwin's mom's incredibly spooky collection of owl figurines.
- Lady Looks Like a Dude: A Running Gag had Moseby consistently call Max a boy.
- Lazy Alias: In one episode, Zack and Cody cut school and go to the mall where they enter a contest. Cody doesn't want to use their real names though so they come up with aliases. Cody enters under the alias 'Wing Lee'. What alias does Zack enter under? 'Cody Martin'. The alias works until their mom finds out.
- Little Miss Snarker: Max occasionally does this.
- Long Runner: By far the longest-running series in the Disney Channel Live-Action Universe by original run and episode count if both the original Suite Life of Zack and Cody and the On DeckRetool are counted as a single series. Even so, both series on their own are Long-Runners by DCLAU standards.
- Lucky Translation: The Chinese version of the title accomodates the pun by translating suite life as first class or first rate (the word means the top-notch or best or even highest level) life rather than using the word suite.
- Mama Bear: Carey who even lampshades it in 'Cody Goes to Camp':Carey: Esteban. Do you like nature films?
Esteban: I love nature films.
Carey: Did you even see the one about what a mother bear will do to protect her cubs? - Mini-Golf Episode: Had an episode called 'Miniature Golf' where Zack getting beaten at mini-golf by Ella. After asking Mr. Moseby to train him and winning the rematch, he becomes quite arrogant.
- Mirror Universe: This is the main plot of the episode 'The Suite Smell of Success'.
- Mistaken for Gay: In ‘French 101’, Zack tries to get Bob’s help with his Zany Schemes, but Bob keeps mistaking his requests to participate as date invitations.
- Modesty Towel: Played straight when one of the title characters spent a good part of an episode wearing a towel that reached from his ankles to his ribs. Was it a towel or a carpet?
- Naked People Trapped Outside: Zack locks Cody out of their suite while he's wearing a towel. Their mother is not amused.
- Name and Name: The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.
- Never Lend to a Friend: Maddie borrows money from London, and London uses this to guilt Maddie into doing things for her. In the end, Esteban and the rest of the staff take up a collection so Maddie can pay London back. This upsets London who wanted to keep power over her.
- In another episode Zack borrows money from another boy to play in the arcade, without any ability or intention to pay back, the boy threatens Zack into making Cody throw the spelling Bee they are both in so he can win 'or else'. Since the boy if tall and built Zack think the threat is violent, however when everything comes to light the boy reveals he wasn't going to beat him up, he was going to tell Zack's mom about the money.
- Newspaper-Thin Disguise: Zack and Cody try to disguise themselves with newspapers with eyeholes, but Zack also cut a mouth hole in his to eat french fries and they are both caught by Maddie.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Dumb hotel heiress whose first name is a famous capital of an European country. Hmm. Who could that possibly be a reference to? It's even Lampshaded at one point:Sister Dominick: No, the spoiled hotel heiress!
London: Is Paris Hilton in this class?
Sister Dominick: No, I'm talking about you. - Nonverbal Miscommunication: Zack has to pretend to be Cody for an interview and Cody (who can't be himself due to accidentally dying his hair red and not wanting to be embarrassed) stands from behind and tries to signal Zack on what to day. It didn't go well.Zack: That's easy. President Carter.Zack: 'Why?'? He uh...(Cody raises his hands up) builds...builds houses. Builds houses for (Cody puts a napkin over his head) nuns! Builds houses for nuns. Builds houses for (Cody starts walking around with back down) old people. (Cody shivers) Cold people. Builds houses for...(Cody walks around in a weird way) poor people? (Cody gives a disapproving look) Builds houses for poor people.
- Noodle Incident: London once went on a rant culminating in her mentioning locking someone on a ship headed to a South America where they'll spend the rest of their life working in Peruvian copper mines. She then mentions 'what do you think happened to the guy before Moseby?'
- A brief scene from the Suite Life Goes HollywoodBud: So the fire department found the monkey in the vent?Cody: No, no, no. The police department found the python in the vent.Zack: Nobody. It's still somewhere in the hotel.
- A brief scene from the Suite Life Goes Hollywood
- Not So Different: Although the Martin boys appear, at first glance, to be Polar Opposite Twins, they're much more alike than either would care to admit. Zack is, in many ways, as much of a nerd as Cody, enjoying comics books and online fantasy games. Cody, likewise, is as big of a perv as Zack, such as when he encouraged Barbara to pursue cheerleading based on the realization that she'd be showing a lot more skin than he was accustomed to seeing.
- The Obi-Wannabe: When Esteban unexpectedly becomes opulently wealthy, London gives him lessons how to be a snooty, condescending spendthrift. As a result, he finds himself back in the same old rut when his assets are frozen.
- Obfuscating Disability: Zack pretending to be dyslexic in one episode.
- Ominous Owl: Whatever you do, don't make eye contact with the owl collection.
- Only Sane Man: Moseby, Maddie, Carey and occasionally Cody trade off who gets to hold the Sanity Ball, though on occasion they manage to share it.
- Overly Long Name:
- Madeline Margaret Genevieve Miranda Catherine Fitzpatrick, but you can call her Maddie.
- Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramirez.
- Ilsa Shickelgrubermeiger-Von Helsing der Keppelugerhofer.
- Overly Long Spanish Name: Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramirez, who announces his full name whenever he wants to say something about himself, sort-of talking in the third person just to get away with it. It is also used for a gag when he introduces his father (who has the exact same name as him, but with Diego instead of Esteban) by full name, and then gives his mother's name: Gladys.
- Panty Shot: Maddie's panties can be seen in 'Commercial Breaks'. Male fans went nuts.
- Actually, it's a black slip on, but it resembled boyleg panties.
- Parent Service: Carey seems to be used this way.
- On occasion, London (Brenda Song) and Maddie (Ashley Tisdale) fall under this trope too.
London: Well ok. (nervously begins to remove her top) If that's what poor people do... - Parent with New Paramour: Type Two. London Tipton spends one episode trying to get along with her father's new wife, and her stepmother trying to establish a real relationship with her. She is particularly upset with how often her father really does marry, and how many stepmothers walked in and out of her life as a result.
- Playing Cyrano: Maddie for London when she tries to date a smart guy.
- Plenty of Blondes: The series has four character in the younger generation. Two boys with shaggy blonde hair, Maddie with her wavy blonde locks, and an Asian. Their mother Carey has blonde hair in the first two seasons but dyes it brown midway through season 2.
- Poke the Poodle: In the episode 'Lip Synchin' in the Rain,' Maddie gets turned down for the role of Sharpay because she's 'too nice'; she tries to defend her ability to be mean with, 'Sometimes, when I give sandwiches to the poor, I don't cut off the crusts!'
- Polar Opposite Twins: Lazy, sloppy Zack compared to his twin neat, hardworking Cody.
- Post-Kiss Catatonia: Arwin wheneevr Carey kisses him.
- Prayer of Malice: In 'Volley Dad', one of the nuns in Maddie's Catholic school prays that their volley ball team will viciously crush the opposing team.Nun: Okay, before we stomp these losers right into the ground, let us pray. Lord, please help us stomp these losers into the ground. Amen.
- Precocious Crush: The show has this with Zack over Maddie throughout the show. By On Deck, he got his kiss from her. One of the most memorable moments is in the episode 'A Prom Story' where they shared a prom dance.
- Also from On Deck, the 8-year-old prince of Liechtenstamp crushing on Maddie. He even came close to marrying her, too! On this same same episode, Zack still had feelings for Maddie, but it evolved into a Likes Older Women situation.
- Pun-Based Title: The titles of both shows, and many episodes thereof.
- Lampshaded in 'The Suite Life Goes Hollywood', wherein the host had to bribe the audience with food to laugh.
- Put Off Their Food: In 'Twins at the Tipton', Maddie and London double date with twins and Maddie goes out with the nerdy twin. He starts talking about gross trivia at the dinner table, including that it takes '3 hours for meat to move through your intestines so the bile can churn up the gastric acid.' Maddie then replies that she'll have a salad.
- Pyrrhic Victory: Maddie proves that London cannot handle being the average worker. Her reward? Moseby ordering her to cleaning up all the mess London made since he cannot order her to do it. Maddie is not pleased at this.
- Reality Ensues
- In the episode when Zack & Cody gain super powers, there is a scene showing the town being in constant danger. This showed that being superhero would require a lot of responsibility. This convinces the boys to give up being superheroes. With great power comes great responsibility, indeed.
- One episode has the boys (mostly Cody) trying to get their parents back together again. Instead, Carey and Kurt have to gently break it to them that no, they're not going to reignite their old flame, even if it sounds like the ideallic ending.
- One episode has Cody, fed up with Zack constantly making their room a mess, decide to move into the suite's front closet. At the end, when Zack has become more organized and Cody says he wants to come back, Zack asks if it's because he changed his habits. Cody admits it's part of the reason, but it's mainly because the fire department found out what he was doing and ordered him to move out of the closet as a person living in such a confined space is a fire hazard.
- Rearrange the Song: 'Rock Star in the House' (the episode with Jesse Mc Cartney) ends with a more poppy rearrangement of the theme song, mashing it up with a version of McCartney's 'Beautiful Soul'.
- Recycled Soundtrack:
- The episode 'Arwinstein' uses a music cue from 'Cyberchase'.
- 'Cody Goes to Camp' features a music cue from 'PB&J Otter'.
- Retool: Into The Suite Life on Deck (see below). The latter may also be considered a spin-off.
- Riches to Rags: In one episode, London loses her money due to a bad investment made by her father and is kicked out of the hotel forcing her to live with Maddie and start acting like normal people. Of course, since Status Quo Is God, she regain her wealth at the end of the same episode.
- Rocky Roll Call: One episode has this exchange:London: Todd!
Todd: London!
Mr. Moseby: London!
Ilsa: Todd!
Maddie: Maddie! - Running Gag: Someone always manages to save the vase in the center of the lobby when it gets knocked over. It finally gets destroyed in the final episode.
- Sadist Teacher: Sister Dominique from Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow Catholic School, who blatantly favors London, blames Maddie for London getting in trouble, and in general acts nothing like a nun should.
- Sassy Black Woman: Nia Moseby.
- Say My Name Trailer: Disney Channel has a whole set of these for Zack, Cody, Maddie, and London.
- Scary Black Man: Moseby is his own proprietary brand: a short, fussy, pretentious, effeminate milquetoast who nonetheless instills fear and trembling in his subordinates. Coach Little is more of a straight example.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money!:
- Many of Tipton Industries' business practices have been either implied or stated outright to be highly unethical, and at times, outright illegal. Numerous things London has said strongly imply that her father has left her with the impression that rich people are above the law.
- Played straight with this example: When Carey was giving London singing lessons, she recommended London think of something that reminded of her of each note on the musical scale to remember them.
Carey: La.
London: 'Law' is something you get to break if you're rich. *points to herself and mouths, 'Me'*- Subverted with this one:
London: Daddy says there are two things a Tipton never does: Apologize, and pay taxes.
Chelsea: My daddy told me the same thing...the last time I visited him in prison.- In 'I Want My Mummy', Mr. Tipton used his money to hire an over-glorified grave robber to steal archaeological artifacts from Estaban's Peruvian village and brought them to the Boston Tipton. What's really scary here is that Mr. Tipton, showing a complete lack of morals, lied to London that he was not stealing.
Maddie: London, you can't just steal another country's cultural artifacts.
London: Daddy didn't steal them. He bought them from a guy named Dakota Smith. He delivered them in the middle of the night, then we left really, really fast on the jet. I barely made it off the steps!
Maddie:...Well, as long as they weren't STOLEN!- There's also the 'Fung Shwei' craze that London goes through in one episode. After Esteban's family accidentally drills a hole in a Tipton pipeline, she announces (happily) that they're going to bulldoze the family's house and build a resort. Esteban bursts into tears at the news.
- London also manages to work her way into most plots that involve auditions/competitions by having flaunting her money towards the person in charge.
- Secret Santa: Maddie organizes the Tipton staff Secret Santa and makes sure that London picks her name, hoping for an expensive gift.
- Security Cling: In an episode, Cody gets frightened in a supposedly haunted room and leaps into Maddie's arms. Maddie promptly drops him. When he tries it again with London later, she doesn't even try to catch him.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Cody plays the former and Zack the latter each to perfection.
- Show Within a Show: Yay Me! starring London Tipton, a webshow within a show.
- There is also the commercial for the Tipton in 'Let us Entertain You'.
- 'Shut Up' Kiss: In the episode 'Sleepover Suite', Zack gives one of these to Stacy's friend Betsy, inducing Post-Kiss Catatonia to keep her from revealing to London what they've really been up to in her suite. He attempts this again with another of Stacy's friends, which earns him a slap from her and from Betsy for two-timing her.
- Sibling Seniority Squabble: Zack is a few minutes older than Cody and will never ever let him live it down.
- Silent Bob: Norman the Doorman. The number of times that he talks can be counted on two fingers. He says 'Thank you boys!' in one episode and 'Doors without doormen hurt people!' in another.
- The Show Goes Hollywood: The Suite Life Goes Hollywood episode.
- The Slacker: Muriel. She's close to retirement, but on several occasions she's neglected her duties. She once came into the Martins' suite and stayed there, eating all the food out of their refrigerator. She also walked in on a date between London and a boy, stayed there, and when London asked 'Aren't you supposed to be working?' responded with 'What's your point?'
- Slap-Slap-Kiss: The smart guy London tries to date turns out to be Maddie's polar opposite on the political spectrum. Not only does this cause her to blow her cover as Playing Cyrano, but also results in a shouting match, name-calling...and making out.
- Sound-Effect Bleep: There are two episodes where a loud noise prevents the audience from hearing Zack and/or Cody being cussed out. The first is sound of a bus horn while Zack's miniature golf date Ella cusses him out for being a poor sport. The second is when the ship's horn drowns out the sound of Carey cussing the boys out for shanghaiing her into doing practically every bit of entertainment on the ship.
- Squirrels in My Pants: Happens to Cody briefly in 'Footloser' while taking Zack's place in a dance competition. A scene shows Cody grabbing at his leg and in the next scene, a rabbit climbs out of his pants leg. Cue mixed looks from the judges, Max, and the audience at the show
- Star-Crossed Lovers: London and Todd St. Mark, son of the proprietor of the rival St. Mark Hotel, in the episode 'Cookin' with Romeo and Juliet'.
- The Stateroom Sketch: Actual Closet variant, completes the homage by having their mother open the door so that everyone tumbles out.
- Stereotype Flip: Maddie and London are the inverse of the Dumb Blonde, Smart Asian stereotype.
- Though in the Alternate Universe of Suite Smell of Success, the stereotypes are withheld.
- Stern Nun: Sister Dominick.
- Strange Minds Think Alike:
- Zack and Cody are trying to catch some jewel thieves, and Zack has set up a net in London's suite and covered it with leaves:Cody: Why would there be leaves in a hotel suite?
Zack: ... I'll open up the window so they'll think it blew in from the park across the street!
Cody: That'll never work!
[Later, when the jewel thieves enter the suite]
Thief 1: ... Why are there leaves on the floor?
Thief 2: (looks at window) It must've blown in from the park across the street.
Zack: (to Cody) Told you! - In another episode, Zack and Cody try to catch a father-daughter con duo and Cody does much of the work to catch them, with Zack being the one who comes up with the name of the plan, which is pretty lame. Near the end, when they're caught, the father reveals the daughter is the brains of the operation and that he's the one who comes up with the lame plan names.
- Zack and Cody are trying to catch some jewel thieves, and Zack has set up a net in London's suite and covered it with leaves:
- Straw Feminist: Maddie, early in the show's run.
- Straw Loser: Millicent.
- Sweet on Polly Oliver: Gender-Inverted Trope in the episode The Fairest Of Them All. YMMV, but Rebecca (one of the beauty pageant contestants) sure seemed to act very flirty towards Cody while he was disguised as Tyreesha...
- Tomboy: Max, a running gag features Mr. Moseby constantly mistaking her for a boy.
- Tongue on the Flagpole: London gets her tongue stuck a frozen smoothie that Zack had stuck on a popsicle stick.
- Took a Level in Dumbass: While London was always flighty and slightly dim, in Season 1 she was fairly competent and able to do things for herself, as well as astute and quick witted. Over the course of episodes, however, she progressively became almost Too Dumb to Live until she is who the character has become today. See Hidden Depths under 'On Deck' as well.
- Trash the Set: In the final episode, the ship is sold and is to be dismantled by episode’s end; we get to see the crew taking all the stuff away before everyone leaves.
- Twin Switch: Done in the pilot episode.
- Twofer Token Minority: Cody's girlfriend Barbara, who is both Japanese and Jewish.
- Upper-Class Twit: London.
- Very False Advertising: The episode that saw Maddie temporarily Put on a Bus had Sister Dominique showing her a camp brochure with a waterfall and various other natural wonders...then the camp turns out to be horrible (they once had leech cobbler as a meal and are across the road from a slaughterhouse).
- Vitriolic Best Buds:
- Maddie and London, Type 2.
- Also, Zack and Cody.
- London with Zack and Cody too.
- 'Walk on the Wild Side' Episode: 'What the Hey.' Zack talks Cody into ditching school, and they head for the mall.
- What the Heck Is an Aglet?: In one episode, Maddie helps London fight her shopping addiction by holding on to all her credit cards. At one point, London asks for the cards back, saying that she's just going to buy something small, like a pair of shoes, or only one shoe, or one of 'Those things at the end of the shoe lace that nobody knows what it's called.' To which Maddie instantly replies, 'An aglet?'
- Worse with Context: In 'Dad's Back', season 1, when Carey gets mad at Kurt for making their home a mess and letting Zack and Cody watch a horror movie:Kurt: I know, you're mad.
Carey: No, no, I was mad when you sold our car to buy a new guitar. I was mad when you came home from the playground with the wrong twins.
Kurt: It was an honest mistake.
Carrie: They were girls. - Yiddish as a Second Language: Barbara likes to throw the occasional Yiddish word or phrase around to show off her Judaism.
- You Are Grounded: Most episodes end with this. In the last season, one episode starts with this after the boys ruin a wedding and at the end Carrie states how they're locked in a vicious cycle of sneaking out and getting grounded, and then exaggerates how long they're gonna be grounded now. The episode ends with her measuring them and as a reply to Zack's question of if he gets a last meal, she says she's making it, to which he responds 'Aren't I being punished enough?'. In comparison this isn't as common on The Suite Life on Deck since Zack and Cody are living by themselves, though in the second half of the pilot Moseby grounds London for running away, and in the crossover event 'Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana' Moseby blames Zack for Alex pouring blue dye in the hot tub and confines him to his room.
- Your Costume Needs Work: In 'Not So Suite 16', lots of girls pretend to be London Tipton in order to get to her party, and the real London Tipton gets mistaken for one of those pretenders.
- Your MomWayne: Hey, it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings...oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring your mother into this.
- Zany Scheme: As any Disney Channel sitcom would have it.
- Aborted Arc: An arc began at the end of the second season involving Dante, a pre-teen impostor who had assumed Marcus' old persona of Lil' Little, and continued when Dante stowed away aboard the Tipton, at which point Marcus reluctantly took the youngster under his wing and arranged for him to have a job performing aboard the ship. Since Marcus left, he's not seen again. Most fans don't mind.
- What fans did mind was the first three episodes set up a friendship between Zack and Bailey. After the episode they decided to relegate all of Bailey's plots to involve Cody or London.
- Added Alliterative Appeal:Moseby: I've been punched and pummeled by a pack of peeved Parisians!
- Also:
Moseby: Please place the pamphlets properly in the pamphlet podium! - Adorkable: Bailey Pickett.
- And Now You Must Marry Me: Maddie is tricked into becoming engaged to an 8-year-old bratty prince and cannot refuse because of a law in the country. Fortunately, Zack saves Maddie by challenging the kid to a duel.
- Affectionate Parody:
- Naomi Wyoming is a paper-thin parody of Hannah Montana, made all the funnier by the fact that Bailey meets and parties with the actual Hannah Montana after this episode. The outfit used for the appearance is even a differently toned one of an actual Hannah Montana outfit.
- The episode 'Seven Seas News' is a send-up of Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.
- The episode 'Starship Tipton' is basically Star Trek. They even got George Takei (Sulu) to play London's Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandson.
- 'The Spy Who Shoved Me' is a send-up of James Bond films.
- Moseby in 'So You Think You Can Date' dresses up as Michael Jackson. Tutweiller comments he looks thrilling. Yet another episode has Moseby dressed up as Prince, complete with 'Let's Go Crazy'-esque music in the background.
- 'The Kidney of the Sea' was one to Titanic (1997). A rich girl comes to the ship and develops a relationship with Zack, hitting all the major plot points of the movie on the way.
- Marcus' hip-hopera was quite possibly a send-up of R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet.
- All Just a Dream: Not really a dream, but the Episode Set In The Future was a madeup narratation by Zack as an excuse for not doing his essay.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Callie attempts to kill everybody on the ship except Cody, who she wants.
- Anti-Hero: Zack.
- Air-Vent Passageway: Kirby's means of infiltrating the engine room. Kirby aptly notes:Kirby: I'm a double-extra-large man trying crawl through a medium vent.
- American Gothic Couple: In the episode 'Mulch Ado About Nothing', Cody's re-creation of the Mulch Festival for Bailey includes a couple of passengers posing as the couple from the painting. Lampshaded by Cody:
- And the Adventure Continues: After their graduation, the twins expect one more adventure ahead of them before going to college.
- Artifact Title: The pun of Suite Life in the first series referred to the hotel the show was set in. The Pun-Based Title continued in the second series, but it took place on a cruise liner. note
- Ass Shove: Zack and Woody land safely on the observation deck. Their pursuer, the gangster Stefane, lands on the spire, resulting in an 'Eiffel Tower wedgie'.
- Back to School: In one episode, Kirby joins Ms. Tutwiler's class because he never finished high school but becomes stressed out about the final exam and Zack and Cody must help him so he can graduate.
- Back for the Finale: Zack and Cody's parents, Carey and Kurt, come to see the twins graduate high school.
- Belly Dancer: One is shown aboard the S.S. Tipton in 'Rock the Casbah'.
- Big Eater:
- Kirby, who keeps a stick of butter in his pocket because he doesn't like gum. Which is so much more hilarious when you realize he shares a name with another Big Eater from a well-known series.
- Woody as well.
- Bittersweet Ending: The series finale 'Graduation on Deck'.
- Boldly Coming: Just barely averted between Moseby and a purple skinned version of Tutweiller.
- Book-Ends: In the first episode, Cody walks into his room and sees Woody searching for his other pair of underpants. In the last episode, when they're packing, Woody finally finds his second pair.
- Brick Joke: In 'Trouble in Tokyo', Mr. Moseby says that London only got her vaccination shot after Nurse Nancy loaded it into a traquilizer dart and shot her from the flagpole. Guess how London got her booster shot at the end of her episode.'Mr. Moseby: Good shot, Nurse Nancy!
- Butt-Monkey: Emma Tutweiller.
- Bailey also fills this role at times, especially when she's around London.
- The Cameo: Members of the original series (Arwin, Maddie, the twins' parents, Esteban, etc) did have one off appearances throughout the shows run eventually leading to...
- Back for the Finale:... where they attended the twins' graduation.
- Camp Gay:
- Implied with London's many-times great grandson Rome, after all he is played by George Takei.
- London's favorite fashion designer, Arturo Vitali, is possibly the most Camp Gay character to ever appear on the Disney Channel. The lines about ladies in lingerie aren't fooling anyone.
- Canon Discontinuity:
- Bailey mentioned have 6 big sisters and 3 little ones in 'Parrot Island' although in 'Twister' she is implied to be an only child as no sisters are present.
- In the the first series, London was depicted as being incredibly strong for her size, helping Maddie train for her physical fitness test. In On Deck, Zack had to give similar help to London. Of course, London's competence does vary in the series.
- Both Zack and Moseby were addicted to online gaming in 'Tiptonline' but play an online game in 'Love and War'
- Captivity Harmonica: In the episode 'Parrot Island', London plays a harmonica while imprisoned on the titular island, and plays it quite well to boot.
- Catchphrase:
- Woody yells 'Daaang it' several times during the series.
- Woody's 'Huuurtful!'
- Bailey's 'What the feathers?'
- Chained Heat: Mr. Blanket, the school's insane Guidance Counselor, handcuffs Moseby and Zack together, and swallows the key. It helps them understand one another better, but also increases their contempt for Blanket.
- Character Development: After being an Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist for so long, Zack finally seems to be having development that will stick in Season 3.
- Chekhov's Gun: Woody's turkey leg-turning device seems like the most frivolous thing he's ever come up with... that is, until it provides the batteries necessary to power the radio to call for help from the submarine.
- The Chew Toy: Mr. Moseby.
- Chorus Girls: One episode features chorus girls including the two female leads, London and Bailey dressing up and joining them.
- Christmas Episode: A London Carol
- Cloudcuckoolander: London seems to have retreated into her own world in this series.
- Comically Missing the Point: A lot of characters, major and minor, become guilty of this, but Woody's, well, in a class of his own. For example, in 'Boo You', Bailey gets fed up with London and Woody pranking her on 'Yay Me! Starring London Tipton' and smashes Woody's camera, which leads to this exchange.London: Woody, that camera's coming out of your salary.
Woody:(excited) I'm getting a salary?!- When Ms. Tuttweiler is trying to help Bailey get over her breakup with Cody:
Ms. Tuttweiler: ...and not think about he who must not be named.
London:Voldemort?!(looks around nervously)
Bailey: She means Cody. - Cool and Unusual Punishment: In the episode 'Model Behavior', Moseby punishes Zack, Marcus, and Woody for throwing a party without his authorization and encouraging a group of teen models to stay out past curfew by making them don snorkeling gear and fish the floaties they threw overboard out of the ocean.
- In another episode, they attempt to set up a fake beauty pageant simply so they can meet with girls. As punishment, they have to set up the entire beauty pageant by themselves and aren't allowed to flirt with the contestants.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Implied of Wilfred Tipton throughout both series, and confirmed in 'Twister, part 3'.
- Continuity Nod:
- The 'Wizards On Deck with Hannah Montana' episode references to the events of 'That's So Suite Life Of Hannah Montana'.
- 'Beauty and the Fleeced' contained Cody referencing the epsiode 'Fairest of Them All' of the parent series (where he wound up in a beauty pageant). It also referenced the first episode of the spin-off, which saw Bailey pull a Sweet Polly Oliver.Bailey: Pageants are about more than beauty. You could win scholarships. Plus they judge you on talent, poise, personality...
Cody: Oh, I know. I've been in a beauty pageant before.
Bailey: You mean, like for men?
Cody: (Bailey gives him a weirded out look) Hey, don't judge me! When I met you, you were a dude! - In 'Roomies,' Bailey's Sweet Polly Oliver from the pilot is referenced again.Zack: You know what, I don't wanna share [my room]! I earned that room!
London: No, you didn't! You just somehow convinced Moseby that Bailey was a girl so I got stuck with the stupid roommate. - The episode 'Rock the Kasbah' had Cody wear his Grizzly Bear Scout uniform from 'Ah! Wilderness!', which is referenced by Zack.
- 'The Ghost and Mr. Martin' makes a reference to 'The Ghost of Suite 613', when Zack mentions the ghost of Irene, who came out of a portrait.
- In 'Lost at Sea', Tutweiller tells Mr. Moseby that she used to be a weather girl for Vermont. In 'Seven Seas News', she shows the class a video of one of her segments.
- In 'Cruisin' for a Bruisin' Zack brings 'Dragon Quest' to Mr. Moseby, the same game they got addicted to at the hotel.
- Covered in Kisses: During the 'Boat Cops' segment in the ending of the episode 'Seven Seas News', Kirby finds Cody and Bailey making out in the smoothie bar, with Cody being covered in Bailey's lipstick.
- Crazy Cat Lady: Emma Tutweiller started off as a mildly-neurotic thirty-something woman who just happened to have a few cats. As of Season 3, she's devolved into a certifiably-insane serial stalker who keeps in excess of thirty cats in her cabin, using them as dress-up dolls and sock puppets. Lampshaded by Moseby:Moseby: And now the whole world knows that you're a lonely cat lady.
- Dance Party Ending: The aptly-named 'Party On'.
- Deadpan Snarker: Everybody has their moments. However, the snarkers-in-chief are Zack, Cody, Bailey, and Mr. Moseby.
- Delivery Guy Infiltration: London attempts this in 'I Brake For Wales' to sabotage Zack, Cody, London, Bailey, Marcus and Kirby's standup for the whales in the engine room. Marcus was the only one fooled.
- Demonic Possession: In the episode 'Can You Dig It?', Bailey finds herself possessed by the spirit of the ancient South American royal Princess Zaria when Zack finds her crown, thereby releasing her spirit from her bust. No. Not THAT bust.
- Derailed for Details: In 'Smarticle Particles,' when Bailey tries to tutor London, we get this exchange:—->Bailey: Your bus leaves the station at—
- London: *scoffs* I would never take the bus. I would take my private jet.Bailey: Right...Your private jet leaves the bus station at 6 a.m.Bailey:(getting ticked) What time d'ya think you're gonna get there?London: I don't know. Ask my chauffeur. He's the one driving me.Bailey:(really ticked now) So let's assume that your chauffeur has gotten you to your private jet at say, noon.Bailey: You'l have lunch on the plane!!London:(claps) Goodie!! Wait, what are we having? (Bailey tears the math book she's reading off of in half)
- Didn't Think This Through: The opening to one episode has Zack win a bet against Cody and the latter owes him free smoothies, which he now has to make.
- Distaff Counterpart: Bailey is this for Cody, in that she's just as nerdy as he is.
- Dogged Nice Guy: Cody toward Bailey in the first season. A mild subversion, as it was pretty clear that Bailey liked him, too. When they got together, the writers shifted this trait onto Marcus, who acts this way toward London, who is too much in her own world to notice.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: Moseby, who's had to deal with 5 years of Zack and Cody, plus 18 years of London, in the final episode proposes to Miss Tutweiller and goes off somewhere (he won't say where) that Zack and Cody and London aren't (though he gives London his cell phone number). Oddly for a kids' show, he's just about the only one who gets a real happy ending. Cody doesn't get into Yale, though Bailey did and they will visit each other and Zack and Maya break up, since she's going to Africa for the Peace Corps. London turns out all right but is really going to miss Moseby, since he was like a father to her.
- In Jessie, it's shown that despite defying Mr. Tipton in the finale, not only is Moseby still working for Mr. Tipton but actually manages a hotel in New York (which probably makes way more money than a hotel in Boston).
- Easily Condemned: When Bailey sees Cody practicing their one-year anniversary date with London, she immediately assumes he's cheating on her and goes to a sleazy French guy for comfort. This is in spite of the fact she didn't actually see Cody doing anything with London and he was faithful to her for a year and a half (the year they were together and the six months he spent trying to woo her). Cody points this out to her and he is furious that Bailey doesn't trust him, leading to their breakup.
- Either 'World Domination', or Something About Bananas: One episode has an incident where Cody translates some hieroglyphs as instructions to free Bailey from a curse unleashed by a crown. '...that or a recipe for fish tacos'.
- Everyone Can See It: It was pretty obvious from the beginning that Bailey liked Cody the same way he liked her.
- Everything's Better with Sparkles: During one episode where London was participating with the boys for a fantasy football league, in the ending of the episode, she mentions that she bought the Arizona Cardinals, now called the Arizona Sparklies. She even changed the uniforms to solid black with white piping & solid sparkling pink fronts with a matching pink helmet.
- 'I Know You're in There Somewhere' Fight: When Bailey was possessed by the spirit of Princess Zaria, there was rather short version of this.
- Messy Pig: Inverted with Bailey's pet pig.
- Expy: Dante was pretty much an expy of Stanley from That's So Raven, before his storyline was written out and he disappeared.
- Fake Static: Arwin's cousin Milos tries to do this by crunching paper, but Arwin can see him because they're on a video chat.
- Fanservice: Scenes on the Sky Deck frequently have babes in bikinis in the background. But only in the background. The main characters can't wear bikinis on a Disney show.
- 'Fawlty Towers' Plot: In the episode 'The Defiant Ones', Cody misses a homework assignment due having spent a romantic evening with Bailey the night before. Unable to bear the shame of receiving a single bad grade, he fabricates the excuse that he was caring for Bailey, who'd injured her ankle. This leads to Bailey reluctantly faking an injury, and eventually the entire student body of Seven Seas Highs being drawn into a web of lies that is increasingly complex and ridiculous. It all comes crashing down the next day when Cody misses yet another assignment, having been too busy maintaining the farce.
- Another episode has Zack promise Maya that he'll come to her poem recital even though he has a video game match with Cody Woody and Moseby. His attempts to be in both places ultimately fail, although Maya fully understands that he deserves some time with his friends.
- Feathered Fiend: In 'Mean Chicks', Cody denies a seagull a french fry that Zack attempted to feed him, and spends the rest of the episode trying to escape the bird's wrath.
- Five-Temperament Ensemble: Ms. Tutweiler (melancholic), Cody Martin (melancholic/phlegmatic); Bailey Pickett, Woody Fink and Kirby Morris (phlegmatic); Zack Martin and London Tipton (sanguine/choleric); Marcus Little and Addison (sanguine), Maya Bennett (leukine), and Mr. Moseby (choleric, still not exactly a caricature).
- Though Zack stayed sanguine as always, his choleric side diminished. Because he developed more phlegmatic traits over time, the Polar Opposite Twins have become more similar to one another than they were in the previous series.
- Flanderization: London again. Whether or not her stupidity has been cranked up, because she does have her smart moments.
- Flat-Earth Atheist: The episode 'The Ghost and Mr. Martin' has Cody scoff at the idea that there's a ghost on the ship despite the fact that in the previous series, he and Zack had encountered a woman's ghost at the Tipton hotel. Lampshaded by Zack when he points this out to which Cody dismisses that experience as them being 'hormone-crazed 12-year-old boys seeing women popping out of a lot of places'.
- Foreshadowing: Bailey and Cody broke up, but in the Christmas Special, London gets a glimpse into her future and finds out that Bailey and Cody got married.
- Also Zach tries to take a page out of Cody's 6 month plan to woo Bailey by throwing Maya a kettle corn festival that goes as you'd expect. He gets it right later without really thinking about it when he throws her a secret surprise birthday party.
- Friendly Tickle Torture: A variant of this in 'Can You Dig It?' Zack steals the ancient tiara of the late Princess Zaria and it starts to vibrate an indication of the spirit's reawakening, at which point Zack presses the tiara againt Cody making him giggle.
- Gamer Chick: Maya, as revealed in 'Love and War'.
- Gasshole: Woody, who can perform Stairway to HeavenLe Petomane-style after eating the Mexican buffet.
- Geeky Turn-On: Cody and Bailey tend to revolt others when they coo nerdy facts to each other and Cody often comments 'I love that you know that.'
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Now with its own page.
- Gosh Dang It to Heck!: From the episode 'International Dateline':Bailey: Gosh darnit! Where are all the shrimp?
- G-Rated Drug: In 'The Kidney of the Sea', Zack is accused of stealing his wealthy crush's expensive diamond necklace by said crush's 'boyfriend' who actually framed Zack. The crush's mother immediately jumps to her own theory for a motive.Mrs. Berg: One of the diamonds is missing! He must've sold it to feed his bubblegum habit!
Zack: *takes gum out mouth* I can quit anytime I want. Starting tomorrow. *resumes chewing* - Purple Skinned Space Babe: Emma Tutweiller's alien future Expy.
- Groin Attack: Zack, while attempting to learn croquet in the episode 'Rollin With The Holmies', accidentally hits himself in the groin when he swings his croquet mallet.
- 'Groundhog Day' Loop: One episode had the ship getting stuck in a time loop because of lightning striking it as it crossed the International Dateline. Only Cody notices the problem. He believed it was because that he and Bailey were meant to be together, but realizes the truth when wooing Bailey didn't fix things. The loop is solved when Cody manages to slow down the ship's speed.
- Heartbreak and Ice Cream: London and Ms Tutweiler help Bailey get over her breakup with Cody by doing 'heartbroken stuff', ice cream included.
- Held Back in School: Implied Trope. In On Deck, Miss Tutweiller stated that London won Senior Prom Queen three times. Also, in Life of Zack and Cody, London was in the same class as Maddie at Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow, though is in Zack and Cody's class at Seven Seas High School, despite being years older than them (she was stated to be 15 in the first season of Zack and Cody while the twins were around 12).
- Hidden Depths:
- London on occasion shows this, along with some Obfuscating Stupidity and Deadpan Snarker moments, most noticable during an episode where the main cast got stuck on an island and had to fend for themselves. London, seemingly in shock from the event, thought they were at a beach resort. That is, until they were safely back on the cruise liner and mentioned off hand that it was her way to get out of the manual labor.
- In the Christmas Episode London goes through a Yet Another Christmas Carol plot. This episode reveals that London was a good kid until the bitterness about her dad never being around for christmas (or any other time for that matter) got to her.
- High-School Dance: At least two or three a season.
- Homage:
- The entire episode 'Kidney of the Sea' is a kid-friendly Homage to Titanic (1997).
- In 'I Brake for Whales', some of the characters locked in the wheel room pay homage to Reservoir Dogs with their codenames. Only one is real, one receives a Gender Flip, and two are not characters from the movie.
- Hufflepuff House: The students at Seven Seas High who aren't the main characters, Maya, Woody or Addison. There are some episodes where other characters come out of the shadows and then are never seen again.
- Humans Are Bastards: From the Anvilicious episode 'I Brake for Whales': 'Shame on you, mankind. Shame.'
- Humiliation Conga: Played with in the episode 'Boo You' where Bailey becomes London's target for repeated pranks that get more and more humiliating. After one where she's embarrassed in front of the entire ship, London asks if Bailey 'understands' that she's only doing this for viewers. Bailey replies 'Understand this!' and then grabs the camera they were using to film the prank and throws it onto the deck, smashing it. It's probably the most embarrassing for Bailey because not only does wake up with her bed on the deck in front anybody watching London's show, but she is also wearing a retainer that she wears on her head and pig pajamas with a pink, curly tail on her butt. Ouch.
- Hypno Fool: London gets hypnotized to act more like Bailey. When the hypnotist tried to change her back, he accidentally trances the daughter of the dean from Harvard University.
- Hypocritical Humor: Again, used all the time.
- Idiosyncratic Wipes: For scene transitions between hotel rooms at the Tipton, an elevator wipe is used, complete with floor indicator.
- Idiot Ball: Cody in 'Mean Chicks'. Most people realize how aggressive seagulls are and that they eat human food all the time.
- I'm a Doctor, Not a Placeholder: Moseby wanted to put Zack on permanent detention for detonating a stink bomb in the chemistry lab. Tutweiller's response:
- Incredibly Lame Pun: The title once again, most of the episode titles, and most of Woody's 'jokes'. Also implemented from time-to-time when Moseby is yelling at Zack.
- Informed Attribute: We're told Zack's a bad boy. We've never seen it. Unless you count Zany Schemes.
- Insufferable Genius:
- Cody became one of these after he Took a Level in Jerkass.
- Bailey, while not nearly to the extent as Cody, also has her moments of insufferability.
Miss Tutweiler: Look, not everything is about school and grades and studying!
(Bailey and Cody stare at her in disbelief)
Cody: Exactly where did you get your teaching credentials?
Miss Tutweiler: The University of None-Of-Your-Business!
Bailey: I bet she barely got in. (rolls her eyes)
Cody: Mmm. (smirks and nods) - Insult to Rocks: Bailey compares talking to London to talking to a tractor. Zack promptly replies that it’s an insult to tractors.
- It's Always Mardi Gras in New Orleans: Averted in one episode where it was three months ago.
- Ivy League for Everyone: In the finale, Cody, The Smart Guy, does not get into Yale; however, his equally smart girlfriend, Bailey, does.
- I Want My Belovedto Be Happy: In 'Mulch Ado About Nothing', when Bailey asks him if she should return home, Cody tells her to 'follow her heart.'
- Kavorka Man: Though Zack is still up to his Kidanova hijinks, surprisingly, Woody is no slouch with the ladies, either.
- Ladykiller in Love: Early in Season 3, Zack finds himself developing real feelings for the new girl Maya, to the point where he resolves to change his womanizing ways and take the time to get to know her.
- Love at First Sight: Played with in Cody and Bailey's case. When he first meets her, she's dressed as a boy. Despite that, the two get along and share numerous interests to the point that they're gonna become roommates. However, Zack finds out she's a girl and agrees to keep the secret, but then decides her doesn't want to switch roommates now. When Bailey is exposed, Cody's shock is clearly palpable.
- Lovely Assistant: In one episode, London falls in love with a standup magician but is jealous of his assistant Karina.
- Make Up or Break Up: Cody and Bailey didn't so much end their relationship as put it out of its misery. (And the misery of those around them.)
- Married at Sea: Esteban and Francesca in the episode 'Mother of the Groom'.
- Married to the Job: 'FOR THE LAST TIME, MOTHER...'
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Nerdy Insufferable Genius Cody and TomboyCountry Mouse Bailey. Downplayed because Bailey isn't overly masculine, but due to her upbringing on the farm, she's more physically adept than Cody is, as well as more fond of manual labor. Bonus points for both of them having Gender Blender Names. This trope is especially exemplified in the episode 'Roomies,' where Bailey beats Cody in every typically masculine activity, from throwing darts to basketball.
- The Masochism Tango: Cody and Bailey started out as a sweet couple who were well-matched intellectually and very tolerant and forgiving of one another's faults. As the second season progressed, everything became a competition between them, and they seem to generally bring out the worst in one another.
- Meadow Run: Cody and Bailey sneak out to meet after curfew and run towards each other romantically towards one another in slow motion. However, unlike in romantic movies where the couple ends up kissing, Cody and Bailey accidentally bump into each other the second they make contact.
- Minor Flaw, Major Breakup: Miss Tutwiler refuses to date Mr Moseby after finding out that he doesn't like The Three Stooges.
- Modesty Towel: Cody wears one of these in 'Senior Ditch Day.'
- Mood Whiplash: Fairly frequent, but most noticeable in Cody and Bailey's breakup scene, which has the heart-wrenching drama of their argument and breakup punctuated by the slapstick of being rained on by shoes, and having Zack and Woody land on Cody.
- Morality Pet: Bailey occasionally steps into this role for London.
- Motivational Kiss: Zack gets one from Maddie in 'Maddie On Deck'.
- My Friends... and Zoidberg: Not referring to people, but this exchange from The Suite Life on Deck.Mr. Blanket: Don't worry, there's a sound theraputic remedy.
Zack: And then whatever you've got, right? - My God, What Have I Done?: Cody in 'The Play's the Thing', when he realizes that his play hurt Baliey.
- Never My Fault: After their breakup, Cody has been putting all of the blame for it on Bailey. At least until 'The Play's the Thing'.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: Wilfred Tipton would not have known there was piece of prime real estate in Kansas to be had for a mere pittance if Cody hadn't alerted him to the gravity of the situation in Kettlecorn.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: 'I Brake for Whales' has the voice of a marine biologist who is Jacques Cousteau in all but name.
- Not Me This Time:
- In the Crossover with Wizards of Waverly Place, Moseby is convinced that Zack is the one put blue die in the hot tub. When it turns out it was really Alex Russo, Zack tells Moseby to apologize for having accused him. However, Moseby points out that Zack has just confessed to several other pranks and is still grounded.
- When Zack is framed for a jewelery theft, Moseby defends him by listing all of Zack's previous actions before ending his hour-long speech with 'but he is not a thief'. This is technically true, but Zack did try to steal towels from Jesse Mcartney's hotel room in the prequel series.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Recent episodes suggest that London may be exhibiting such.
- The Obi-Wannabe:
- Mr. Blanket, Seven Seas High's guidance counselor, is himself certifiably insane, distracts people when they examine his credentials, and despite having written a book on them, his methods are questionable at best.
- In 'So You Think You Can Date', Cody and Bailey take dating tips respectively from Zack and London. In the end they ruin both their dates because Cody acts too much like a Jerkass and Bailey too much like a Cloudcuckoolander.
- Orphaned Punchline: In the episode 'The Spy Who Shoved Me', Moseby and London, on separate occasions, tell a joke (or perhaps two different jokes with the same punchline) whose punchline is 'Nougat!' Apparently, the guests find it hilarious, leaving the audience to wonder what was so funny.
- Possibly a Brick Joke from 'The Suite Life Goes to Hollywood: Part One' from the parent series in which Moseby attempts to tell the producers of the new show a funny story. This is evidenced by the fact that the delivery of the word 'nougat' is exactly the same.
Moseby: One time we ran out of pillow mints. (Laughs) So instead, we had to use...NOUGAT! - Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: In an episode where the group visits the home of Arthur Conan Doyle, Cody figures out a supposed British resident is actually Belgian, due to him saying 'fries' instead of 'chips', and it is revealed he was the Gentleman Thief who stole the original Sherlock Holmes draft..
- Bailey is an unusual case. At the start of the show, she had a Southern accent (despite being from Kansas.) Over time this accent disappeared completely. It may have been a case of Not Even Bothering with the Accent as Debby Ryan is from the South.
- Parenting the Husband: The episode 'Maddie On Deck' takes an extremely literal example of this, when Maddie has been tricked into marrying an 8-year-old whom Zack must duel to get Maddie out of the engagement. After Zack loses the first round, Maddie invokes the trope.Maddie: (pretending to call her parents) Hey mom, hey dad. Yeah I'm not coming home. I'm spemding the rest of my life raising my husband.
- The Password Is Always 'Swordfish': There was an episode where Cody and Woody were competing to be London's partner in a space travel, and one of their challenges was to write. Cody manages to hack into Woody's computer and change his speech as his password is 'Woody'. He even tells Woody that it's not a good password.
- This acts as Hypocritical Humor as Cody's own password is 'Bailey' and the combination to the safe where he hides his Stalker Shrine to Bailey is the date of his mom's birthday.
- Placebo Effect: In 'Smarticle Particles,' Bailey uses a placebo to raise London's intelligence. Subverted in that after realizing that it's a placebo, London returns to normal. Then Bailey tricks her into takinganotherplacebo.
- The Pigpen: Woody's hygiene, or rather, lack thereof, is the source of many of the series' jokes.
- Ping-Pong Naïveté: London gets this a lot.
- Preppy Name: Several students aside from Zack, Cody, and Bailey. Among them are Holden, Addison, London (obviously), and even Woody whose name is short for Woodrow.
- Pun:
- In the episode where Cody is trying to become international chess champion.Zack:(talking on the radio) I can't read it, it's all in Russian.
Cody:(moves a piece) Check.
Zack: I did check. It's in Russian. - Earlier in the same episode:London: I can't read any of this!
Maya: You can't read it because whoever wrote it was Russian.
London: I don't care how fast they were writing!
- In the episode where Cody is trying to become international chess champion.
- Put on a Bus:
- Bailey briefly left the ship in early Season 3 to return to Kettlecorn.
- Marcus leaves the ship in the aptly named 'Bon Voyage' in Season 3 to star on a Broadway show.
- Real After All: In 'Sea Monster Mash', Cody and Bailey spend the episode searching for the legendary sea monster Galapagos Gurdy. Cody later accepts that the monster might not exist. However, at the end of the episode, a large turtle-like creature pokes its head up near the deck.
- Re-Cut: The original version of 'Graduation on Deck' was about 40 minutes long. Subsequent airings have been cut down to 30.
- Red Shirt: Lampshaded, then spoofed in 'Starship Tipton'. After the main cast goes to the future, they have to change their clothes to blend in.Zack: (dressed in yellow) Man, I like these outfits!
Marcus: (dressed in red) Speak for yourself! The guys in red always get killed! (At which point another guy in red falls out of an airlock into outer space, screaming.)
Marcus: See? - Refuge in Audacity: In 'The Spy Who Shoved Me', Cody admits to Bailey, early on, that he and Zack are working with a spy, but she doesn't believe him.
- At the end of the episode, the red-clad GeorgefriggingTakei suffers the same fate.
- Retcon: Over the entire series, it was clear that Mr. Tipton loved his daughter, London. It was mentioned a few times that she is the sole heir to the Tipton company. Along comes the first episode that Mr. Tipton finally shows himself in (Episode 68), and what happens? Before he makes his appearance, he has to ask London who she is when she calls, ask which daughter she is, and barely remembered her. Nice continuity ya got there.
- In the episode 'Computer Date', London and Woody approach Zack for tutoring... in gym. They both state that they are lacking in fitness and health. It's not hard to see that for Woody, but in the episode 'Dad's Back' of the original Suite Life of Zack and Cody series, London was the one who had to tutor and train Maddie for gym class, using her personal training program, designed around shopping. It is possible that London is just lazy or unable to exercise because of lack of shopping. Even so, there is a gym, so she could use her personal program in that like she did with Maddie.
- Ridiculously Long Phone Hold: Mr. Moseby calls tech support in an episode. He's put on hold overnight and wears a headset so that he can perform his duties on the ship while holding. The call is eventually answered by Zack and Cody, who are visiting a call center while the ship is in port.
- Romantic False Lead: Cody spent the better part of Season One contending with these guys for Bailey's affection.
- Running Gag: Mr. Moseby threatening to throw somebody out the sewage flap.
- Sadly Mythtaken: 'It's All Greek To Me' claims that Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus. Of course, the most well-known story of Aphrodite has her a generation older than Zeus, and her father is technically Uranus, although the way she was conceived is not something they could talk about on Disney Channel. To be fair, there are some later tales that have her as Zeus's daughter.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money!: London has a certificate saying she can get rid of anyone she wants signed by the president and Congress. In the same episode she wants to be a model so she gets her Daddy to buy the modeling agency.
- Screw Yourself: London is entirely made for this trope. There was even one episode where she was set up with herself on a dating questionaire.
- Sensual Slavs: In the episode 'Das Boots', Cody's opponent in a chess tournament is one Sasha Matryoshka, who's so ridiculously hot that he can't concentrate on his game.
- Series Continuity Error: Though the writers generally have no qualms about ignoring continuityfor the sake of getting laughs, a botched attempt at a Continuity Nod occurs when they refer to Medieval Magic Quest, the MMORPG to which Zack and Moseby became addicted in the parent series...except they refer to it by a completely different name.
- The Series Has Left Reality: The Suite Life of Zack and Cody has a Bizarro Episode when they travel to a parallel dimension. The Suite Life on Deck leaves reality behind with a 'Groundhog Day' Loop, a mummy's curse, and other increasingly strange plots that become part of the characters' daily lives.
- Ship Tease:
- On-going between Moseby and Tutweiller.
- In 'Silent Treatment':
London: Look, Bailey, I know you loved Cody, but... You don't need a boyfriend to be happy! You're young, you're smart, you're pretty, you're not some fifty-something cat lady who's been dumped time and time and time again and that's one ice-cream cup away from a heart attack!
Bailey: London, you called me pretty... And didn't add 'annoying' after it. Do you really think all those things about me?
London: Of course I do! Why do you think we're friends?
Bailey: London, thank you. Boyfriends come and go, but girlfriends are always there for ya.- Zack/London also got its share of teasing before he finally hooked up with Maya.
- Shirtless Scene: Justin Russo of Wizards of Waverly Place gets one in the 'Wizards On Deck with Hannah Montana' crossover.
- So does Cody in 'Senior Ditch Day'.
- Shout-Out:
- From 'The Defiant Ones'.
Ms. Tutweiller: And that's Napoleon Bonaparte. Just give yourself an F right now if you wrote about Napoleon Dynamite.- The name of the episode ('The Defiant Ones') is also a shout-out to the 1958 film that, like the episode, features a white guy and a black guy who hate each other learning mutual respect as a result of being handcuffed together.
- The name of the episode 'The Ghost and Mr.. Martin' is a shout-out to a movie from 1947 named 'The Ghost and Mrs. Muir'.
- The name of the episode 'Model Behavior' comes from a 2000 Disney Channel Original Movie which also starred Kathie Lee Gifford.
- One episode had a few arcade machines displaying Cave Story. Really.
- They were inside Zack's arcade on Better Life even.
- When Ms. Tutweiller is taking attendance in 'Senior Ditch Day', she calls out 'Bueller? ...Bueller?'
- In 'Silent Treatment':
Ms. Tutweiller: Okay, now, did you bring pictures of you and He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named?
London:Voldemort? (looks around worried after saying it)
Bailey: She means Cody.- A very subtle one in 'Starship Tipton': Even though the episode is a Star Trek parody, the transporter effect looks more like an Asgard beam.
- From the episode 'My Oh Maya':
Zack: So Gina, thanks for agreeing to go out with me at the last minute.
Gina: How could I say no? You blast off a 0600 to destroy that asteroid and save the world!- In the Season 3 premiere 'Silent Treatment', Zack mispronounces the name of the author of War and Peace as Leo 'Toy Story'.
- In 'Das Boots', London tries to escape the submarine by tapping her talons together while reciting: 'There's no place like home... There's no place like home...'
- The plot of 'Computer Date' bears some similarity to the plot of the 1999 Disney Channel Movie Smart House.
- Also, her name was CAL and if you listen to many of her lines...
- 2001: A Space Odyssey is directly referenced by Woody early in the episode.
Woody: *to Cody* C'mon, we gotta catch that movie. Y'know, 2001, about that freaky computer that takes over the ship and kills everybody on board?
Callie: That's my favorite movie. Though the beginning was kind of slow.- In 'Party On!' Maya's full name is revealed to be Maya Elizabeth Bennett. It's rather apt, as both girls are attractive, intelligent, and snarky, and both initially rejected the advances of a suitor who was attractive, but way too full of himself.
- In 'A London Carol', a squirrel jumps out of the Christmas tree and attacks Moseby.
- 'Snakes on a Boat':
Moseby: Enough is ENOUGH! I have HAD IT with these *ship's horn blows* SNAKES on my *ship's horn blows* BOAT!- In one episode, a poster in the background depicting an outer-space scene clearly has a TARDIS in it.
- After it's revealed that Ashton stole Violet's necklace and framed Zack for it, he claims he 'would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!'
- In the Twister special, Woody calls the leader of the troop 'Sgt. Pepper'.
- Also from Snakes on a Boat, the music that plays when Cody performs stand-up is the music from Seinfeld, as a reference to Jerry Seinfeld's stand-up sequences.
- 'Splash and Trash' has a couple of shout outs to Splash, besides the episode name.
- 'Ala-ka-scram!' has a few during the air band sequence. Zack and Woody's air band is clearly referencing Guns N' Roses, with their song being a parody of Roses' 'November Rain,' as well as their outfits referencing the band members.
- Six Student Clique:
- The Head — Cody
- The Muscle — Zack
- The Quirk — Woody
- The Pretty One — London
- The Smart One — Bailey
- The Wild One — Marcus and later Maya
- Sleep Mask: London wears one of these.
- Small Town Boredom: Bailey decides to enroll in Seven Seas High to get away from her small town life in Kettle Corn.
- Space Sailing: The Starship Tipton is basically just the S.S. Tipton with warp nacelles and a forcefield to keep the air in.
- The Spock: Cody is this normally, but special mention should be made for when he becomes a full-blown Expy in Starship Tipton.
- Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace:
- Zack waits for this line to save Maddie from her nightmarish wedding by challenging the kid prince to a duel.
- Maddie herself tried to object as well, but the minister adds 'besides you'.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Despite the show being about twins, Cody was the focus of virtually every episode for the first two seasons, Zack only appeared to be a one-joke character. However, the tables turn in Zack's favor as of Season 3.
- Squirrels in My Pants: Twice
- Can You Dig It: Zack is buried up to his neck in an ant hill by a possessed Bailey, and when Cody rescues them, Zak gets out of the ant hill and gives Cody the credit for finding Zaria's crown. Before he goes off screen, he tells Cody that he literally has ants in his pants, along with him shaking his pants and legs trying to get them out
- Snakes On ABoat: Zak and Maya get into a fight about how many girls Zack has been with. Before Maya walks away, there is a scene of a snake going up Zack's pants. During the scene that Maya walks away from Zack, one can see him shaking his leg, oblivious that the snake climbed up his pants. Doubles as a Groin Attack when the snake bites him
- Stalker Shrine: Cody's footlocker contains one dedicated to Bailey.
- Stalker with a Crush: Blanket, towards Emma Tutweiller.
- Cody towards Bailey in Season 1. The whole six month plan is all kinds of creepy.
- Starfish Aliens: The Antareans from the episode 'Starship Tipton' seem more insectoid than humanoid, having four arms, antennae, and nothing that could really be called a face.
- Stealth Pun: In the episode 'When In Rome', Zack mentions cowboy-ghetti, presumably a kid's pasta dish. No one brings up how this makes spaghetti western.
- Stock Ness Monster: Galapagos Gurdy in 'Sea Monster Mash'.
- Stop Drowning and Stand Up: In the first episode, Zack, Cody, London and Bailey are running from an alarm about the ship sinking and seemingly fall overboard. However, they realize that they're actually in a hot tub and that the alarm was just a drill.
- The hot tub is used for this trope again when, after a chase against the jerk who tried to frame him for a jewelery theft, Zack falls into it and begs for help. Zack's Girl of the Week grabs his hand and they embrace in a romantic yet funny 'death' scene parodying the Titanic. Mr. Moseby eventually tells Zack to stand up.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: While checking out babes in the main lobby:Woody: Oh, that one. Cute, blonde, nice legs. And, carrying a textbook. Repressed bookworm badly in need of good time.
Zack: That's Cody!- In Woody's defense, he lost his glasses, and is nearsighted.
- Super Cell Reception: The students, crew, and passengers about the S.S. Tipton all seem to have phones that get reception anywhere in the world (including remote locations in developing countries and at sea), are standard models that aren't at all bulky or complex (as one would expect from a satellite phone with such capabilities), and never incur any sort of roaming charges.
- Survival Mantra: In the episode 'Senior Ditch Day', when Maya is too sick to accompany Zack to the beach club, and he finds himself surrounded by beautiful, exotic woman, he tries to garner strength by chanting 'I do believe in relationships...I do believe in relationships...'
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: An episode features Zack, Cody, Woody,...and Moseby as part of an online game team. The latter's role would have liked been filled by Marcus if he was still around.
- Also, Bailey could be considered this to Maddie. At least early in the show, she filled the role of the poor smart but pretty girl.
- Swallow the Key: In one episode Mr. Blanket, the school's insane Guidance Counselor, handcuffs Moseby and Zack together and swallows the key.
- Take That!: Cody's response in 'Starship Tipton' when he hears Bailey will receive eight Nobels... for peace:
- Considering the fact that the entire Curie family won five Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry for such feats as discovering the elements between Bismuth and Thorium and discovering nuclear transmutation, he should have seen that coming. No single person has ever won more than two Nobel Prizes.
- Just because you don't got a brain doesn't mean you don't got a lot to say. Don't you watch reality TV?
- London's 'your mom needs a hobby' in regards to Bailey's large family (Despite being rewritten) could be one at Kate Gosselin and other reality shows with large families.
- Technician vs. Performer: The brothers strengths fall this way. Cody is an excellent academic, but has poor practical ability. While Zack is the opposite, having difficulty in most of his classes, but is highly gifted when it comes to practical work. For example Cody has shown to be really bad at woodworking and have virtually no outdoor survival skills, which are both fields Zack thrives in.
- That Came Out Wrong: In the second episode, Zack is trying to cheer up Bailey about London running away.Bailey: It's all my fault London left.Zack: No trust me. She hated a lot of things on this boat besides you (Beat) That didn't come out right.
- Tickle Torture: Mr. Blanket has a 'tickling jacket' as one of his methods for therapy. London has to wear it to get over her obsession of insulting people due to a bet she made with Bailey.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tough and physically adept farmgirl Bailey and Rich Bitchfashionista London.
- Tonight, Someone Leaves The Ship: Invoked by the preview commercials for the episode, 'Bon Voyage'. Subverted at the end when no one gets kicked off the ship. The situation then turns into a double subversion when Marcus leaves the ship anyway for other reasons.
- Totally Radical: Invoked deliberately by Emma Tutweiller to promote the 80s dance.
- Trailers Always Spoil: The promo for the Season 3 episode 'My Oh Maya' completely gave away the main plot that Zack would develop real feelings for a girl, and would resolve to change his womanizing ways.
- There was also Bon Voyage, where simply hitting info in the guide would tell you:
- Trash of the Titans: Woody can 'produce' enough gas to create an explosion and to 'teach' Cody to hold his breath for 6 minutes. In the episode 'Splash and Trash', Cody gathered a mountain of trash on the deck to teach a Green AesopMoseby: Right, now take this garbage back to the trash room.
Cody: Trash room? I got this from Under Woody's Bed.
(Moseby look at Woody astonished.)
Woody: (smiling ) I'm Filthy. - Trickster Twins: The eponymous twins.
- Two-Teacher School: One, actually, unless you count Blanket.
- Unlimited Wardrobe: London has a private submarine following the boat with her wardrobe...and a blimp, and a barge, and she still doesn't have enough closet space, which is why she resorts to underhanded tactics such as opening a fake boutique and booking an extra cabin under a false name.
- Unusual Euphemism: 'What the Feathers!?'
- This is looking more like Bailey's Catchphrase.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: Zack.
- [Verb] This!: Bailey does this in 'Boo You' when London and Bailey keep pranking her on London's webshow.Bailey:: Understand this!(Bailey breaks London's camera and leaves in a huff)
- Very Special Episode: 'I Brake For Whales' where the kids lock themselves in the engine room and turn off the boat to prevent it from hitting a pod of endangered blue whales.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: London and Bailey. Type 2.Bailey:(after their graduation) You know, I'm gonna miss you making fun of me all the time.
London: Don't worry, I made you a CD! - Vomit Discretion Shot: Something of a Running Gag. To wit:
- In the episode 'The Wrong Stuff', Woody's off-screen projectile vomiting is implied to be quite profuse when Cody holds up an umbrella at the edge of the frame to protect himself and London, having to reposition the device several times.
- In the episode 'International Dateline', in each iteration of the 'Groundhog Day' Loop, a different person ruins another person's personal affects by vomiting into/onto it:
- Round 1: Bailey vomits into Haggis' hat.
- Round 2: Woody vomits into Addison's purse.
- Round 3: The Romantic False Lead vomits on Bailey's shoes.
- In the episode 'The Spy Who Shoved Me', Smith must manipulate Zack and Cody into doing his bidding, being stuck in the head in Zack's cabin. The noises he makes in there are horrible.
- Even carried over to the Hannah Montana portion of the crossover, in which Robbie Ray spends most of the cruise relegated to the head.
- Happens twice to Zack in the span of three minutes in the episode 'Rock the Kasbah'. Though actually the first time it's not off-screen.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Parodied in the episode 'Starship Tipton', it itself being a parody of Star Trek. All of the background characters, except for London's great x12 grandson, have odd hairstyles and colors, including Zerg, Zack's identical descendant, who has blue hair in the style of a Roman helmet.
- You Meddling Kids: The obnoxious socialite Ashton delivers the classic line almost verbatim in 'Kidney of the Sea' when Ivana literally sniffs out evidence that he had tried to frame Zack for stealing the eponymous necklace.
- Always Second Best: Dr. Olsen's motivation for creating the Gemini Project. Zack sympathizes.
- Assimilation Plot: To a certain extent. In fact, Dr. Olsen wants to merge twins together into a single entity once they have bonded well enough. He appearently wants to end suffering from differences in individuals the world over, but primarily he aims to end his suffering from being the 'inferior' twin to Dr. Spaulding.
- Berserk Button: Cody presses Zack's the movie when he says this:Cody: Well, I may not be interesting, but at least I have a car!
(Zack then begins to scream his head off as he tries to beat Cody to a pulp) - Big Bad: Ronald Olsen.
- Broken Aesop: Zack and Cody are saved from merging together into one personality and joining the twin hive mind by arguing with one another. They are essentially saved by the power of how much they can't stand each other.
- One could argue that they were intended to be saved by the power of individuality, but, being a Broken Aesop, it came across as above.
- Canon Discontinuity: Zack's girlfriend Maya is never mentioned, and he is back to his old self.
- Cody and Bailey also act like they've never broken up.
- The movie takes place during the final semester break before graduation... which would put it in direct conflict with the events of the 'Twister' three-part story arc.
- Creepy Twins: Some of the twins partaking in the Gemini project are rather... peculiar. They act and often talk perfectly in synch. Turns out this derives from the first three stages of the Gemini project: a physical connection with the twins sharing the same sensations, an emotional connection with the twins feeling empathy, and the twins become almost exactly alike (i.e. copying each other's sentences perfectly.)
- Darker and Edgier: Zack and Cody's lives are actually in great danger in this film.
- Department of Redundancy Department: Hurting each other, hurts each other.
- Dramatic Unmask: Dr. Olsen finally captured Zack and Cody in the climax and was just about to merge them together. However, before he does, he violentally tears off his face revealing that he is really Dr. Spaulding twin's brother.
- Hive Mind Dr. Olsen merges together a set of twins into a single personality and eventually creates a give mind.
- Hot Scientist/The Vamp: Kellie and her twin Nellie, who discreetly goad Zack to ride the submarine that helps cause destruction and get Cody kicked out of his first internship with Dr. Spaulding, and later, convince Zack to not leave the Gemini Project. Of course they are doing it under Dr. Olsen specifically under Dr. Olsen's orders.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Just after Zack and Cody find out about the merge and hive mind.Dr. Olsen: Well, well, well... well
Zack: That's a really deep well. - Latex Perfection: Multiple times during a flashback montage.
- To clarify, Dr. Olsen disguised himself as a janitor to easily infiltrate Dr. Spaulding's facility and steal his research, and most importantly to conceal the fact that he is Dr. Spaulding's twin brother.
- Shout-Out: Dr. Olsen is obviously named for the Olsen Twins.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Bailey after learning that Cody is planning on doing an internship rather than go with her on spring break. She finally comes back to her senses after she realizes Cody wanted to join Yale.
- Synchronization: The plot. The two are so at odds with each other that it is effectively Chained Heat.
- Woman Scorned: Holy cow, Bailey. After hearing Cody would rather do an internship over Spring Break than be with her, she begins to ignore him after a bout of fury, even going as far to 'delete' him. After learning he was trying to earn a scholarship to Yale, she softens up and reconciles with him.